I would like to add, of all the bags I have, my favorite is my 1940 maple Mk VI. got it for £10 along with a Mk VII for the same price. Bagain if ever there was one
They are made buy red wing, but buyin them in England will cost you a bomb, so get them from America, thats where they are from, its coz here in England, it's importing them that costs alot
Ok! yes the barels can be shortened using a standard hack saw :D alternate grips can also be found on the net, if you look in the right places :D but as far as price go's, i sold my last one for £90, because it was second had and part of my private collection, but a new one will cost you about £145,...
well i could be mistaken, but the mauser 98k is what is usualy used for gun fire because, it has a shaper loader and abrupt sound to it, adding to the punch of the sound in a film, but a winchester has less punch and often a more often weaker effect. But having watched the special features you are c...
If anyone out there is after a pair of Gloves, and you live in Enlgland, pop down to Hombase, near pefect, if not exactly the same, all you need to do is cut offf the hombase tag!
Dont get me wrong, I think the Enfield is actually more convincing as a LC gun, more so than the .38 ww2 version Webley basicaly because of the larger size and the wooden gripes, where as the .38 version has bacolite grips and is a tad smaller. I know that people are buying the .38 versions thinking...
OK people I've found a Colt M1917 "police positive" in my local gunsmiths (deac) Year Of De-act: 1996 "Spec A" if anyone is interested I can purchase it and have it sent toy whome ever wants it. only problem is it is about £370, but it is a lovely piece, and in very good conditio...
The guns are actually PFC wich are reusable blanks and thus are considered Models, not blanks or deactivated.
The Gun is ABS and Zinc alloy part, Got a nice little weight to it without it being too heavy.
and no, we will not be turned over by the law for these!
Ok! so I havent been here long but already I'm having trouble locating the perticular firarms you all require. So here is my proposal! What would you all say if I created the indy style gun from this version, cut the barel down etc... http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb16/Victory_024/IMG_0372.jpg ...
well to ob tain that perticular gun is near im posible unless you know somone who will saw the barel down alterr the frount sight, alter the triger, then ontop of all that (if needed) change the cylinder for the catridges. oooo, saying that! my local gun smith has a .45 ACP and i think the have the ...
Most of the range I have is subject to avalability, because I dont buy in bulk, I only buy to order. in answer to you question no i dont have a S&W m1917, but I have a Colt 1917 which is that used in ToD, it has the same body as the S&W, but a longer barel. This is an item I only have one of...
All you need to kit your self out for a bar room brawl in nepal. I have conections with many wholesalers and collectors who deal in Blank/PFC cartridge Guns, all legal and above board :D As Indy Magnoli posted a few weeks back, I can access a wide variety of the guns from the Indy trilogy, so drop m...
I think that if you are looking for a decent indy bag, The best resorce for them is here: http://www.surplusandoutdoors.com/ishop/877/shopscr2222.html seeing as you live in England this is probably your best bet. just a little story... i found mine under the stairs of my granes house, god knows how ...
This is correct, I have been dealing in replica and deactivbated firearmes for some time now, and found many of the people who have bought webleys from me are often after the WW1 .45 models or the Enfield service revolver, as these resemble that of the films. As for his S&W these are not so easy...