Poll: Are you going to the premiere in Full Indy Gear?

Bags, Boots, Shirts and all other gear should be discussed here.

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Are you wearing Full Indy Gear to the Premiere in your Area?

Maybe Some Gear
Total votes: 208

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Poll: Are you going to the premiere in Full Indy Gear?

Post by schmidty612 »

Hey All,

Just curious as to how many of you are going to the Crystal Skull Premiere in your area in Full Gear? I am pretty certain I am the biggest IndyFan in my immediate area (PrettyBigGuy lives about 20 minutes north of me.) IndyFans are as HardCore as the SW crowd but there are fewer of us. I have a feeling that if I were to Gear Up for the Premiere, I'd be the only one, and I'd feel like a Complete Tool. What Say You?

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Post by rjallen70 »

Probably sans whip and holster.
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Post by Mulceber »

Oh I'm completely gearing up...and I'll probably look like a complete tool. :lol: But I'm counting on bringing a few friends along so I'm hoping safety in numbers (and the fact that it'll be midnight and everyone will be crazy then) will protect me from any derogatory remarks. :junior: -M

Post by whipwarrior »

Will I attend the premiere of KOTCS in full gear? Um... YES! I was born to wear gear to this movie! :D
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Post by Mulceber »

Now that I think about it, I probably will leave the whip at home. But otherwise... :D :junior: -M
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Post by Argonaut »

I doubt I can afford everything, but I'll wear as much as I've got. That'll probably amount to my ol' Wested lambskin, maybe my $18 cowhide bullwhip with my homemade leather whipholder, the Fieldmaster I'm trying to get before the premiere, and that's about it. I might bring my MKVII bag too, but it still has the webbing on it. I'd hate to cut it off just for the sake of screen accuracy.

Beyond that it's jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers sadly. Unless I magically get a job and buy some more gear before then.

Getting gear before the premiere is a big motivator for me. It's probably also true that Indy 4 may have reminded me how much I used to want gear, but gave up on it in the name of "practicality." It's a childhood dream, and I decided that before May 22 I should try my hardest to fulfill it.

But I'm also worried that after the premiere, and everything quiets down, I'll loose the intense motivation I have to get more gear.
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Post by conceited_ape »

Head to toe. AB to Alden. Stopping all stations including gunbelt n' bullwhip. I'm there. :twisted:
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Post by IndyFrench »

No. I made this mistake in 1999 - Here's the true, untold story and I will be brief.

I watched news footage here in Atlanta of costumed fans waiting in line for Episode I at local movie theatres. I decide, being then a lifelong Star Wars fan, that A) It's safe to do so, and B) I have a costume to put all those to shame! So, I deck out in a virtually screen accurate Luke Skywalker Tatooine outfit, custom boots and whatnot with Graflex saber at my custom-made belt and everything.

I go into the theater at 12 a.m. for the first midnight showing. The theatre is packed and I walk into the bottom aisle of the stadium seating - and NOT ONE OTHER PERSON is dressed up. The entire theatre stops talking almost all at once - probably 300+ people - and stare at me in bemused silence. I take my seat, now very self-conscious and feeling betrayed by the footage on the local news (where were all those people?!) and then am doubly humiliated when the film is gosh-awful.

In the event that KOTCS is a cinematic embarrassment and in the interest of not being humiliated a second time, I am going gearless, Wested and Adventurebilt at the most...if that...
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Post by Neolithic »

I'm not wearing full gear either. I tend to agree with French's point of view.
There's no way I'm going to be the lone tool in his NH pants.

Definitely the AB and maybe a Wested... but not the whole enchilada, just enough to make a nod to my freakish closet of khaki and tan. :wink:
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Post by raider 57 »

IndyFrench wrote:No. I made this mistake in 1999 - Here's the true, untold story and I will be brief.

I watched news footage here in Atlanta of costumed fans waiting in line for Episode I at local movie theatres. I decide, being then a lifelong Star Wars fan, that A) It's safe to do so, and B) I have a costume to put all those to shame! So, I deck out in a virtually screen accurate Luke Skywalker Tatooine outfit, custom boots and whatnot with Graflex saber at my custom-made belt and everything.

I go into the theater at 12 a.m. for the first midnight showing. The theatre is packed and I walk into the bottom aisle of the stadium seating - and NOT ONE OTHER PERSON is dressed up. The entire theatre stops talking almost all at once - probably 300+ people - and stare at me in bemused silence. I take my seat, now very self-conscious and feeling betrayed by the footage on the local news (where were all those people?!) and then am doubly humiliated when the film is gosh-awful.

In the event that KOTCS is a cinematic embarrassment and in the interest of not being humiliated a second time, I am going gearless, Wested and Adventurebilt at the most...if that...
HHHHHHMMM..... Something to consider..................
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Post by lingarn »

I'll wear what I have, which should be a full (largely close-enough) set by then. No gun, of course, and I'm still on the fence about wearing the whip.

If I'm the only one dressed up, so be it. The people who know me already think I'm kind of a nut for the work I put into costumes. The people who don't know me don't worry me, as their opinions are hardly relevant.

For those as are embarrassed, find friends! There are lots of other people from the Indiana Jones movies that your friends could be, and some of the costumes can be recognizable without being screen accurate.
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Post by Mr. Z »

I'm thinking just the shirt and possibly a nice Indy lid, but that may be it. I may change my mind as we get closer though.
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Post by Indiana Kev »

I plan on sporting the shirt and my AB and that's it. If my CS AB arrives in time I'll let my brother, who is flying in from NY just to watch the movie with me, borrow one of my ABs to sport to the show (lucky for him we have the same head size), that way at least there two hats. :wink:
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Post by Indiana Neri »

I pretty much have NO choice in the matter - all my friends REFUSED to see it with me UNLESS I'm in FULL gear. "Kenny, you're not going with just the hat, or just the hat and jacket, but the FULL outfit. We're talking boots, whip, and even the freaking socks!", said my friend Peter :lol: . I'm banking on getting my whip from Todds soon enough to learn a few basic cracks before the premiere, because you know SOMEBODY is gonna wanna see if "I can walk the walk" (or is it "talk the talk"?). Who knows, maybe the theater will hire me for the day to take pictures with kids and stuff :D . Besides, who cares if anybody says anything? Like they expect people NOT to dress up as the character of a major franchise when a new movie is released? Those are the same arse holes that make fun of people on Halloween, when it's them that needs to grow up. I say, bring it on!!!!


PS: Anybody else realize that Indiana Jones events are the ONLY events where the preperation calls for wrinkled clothes covered with [Fuller's] Earth, as oppossed to the clean, pressed, black-tie affair? :shock: :lol:
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Post by Mulceber »

IndyFrench wrote:No. I made this mistake in 1999 - Here's the true, untold story and I will be brief.

I watched news footage here in Atlanta of costumed fans waiting in line for Episode I at local movie theatres. I decide, being then a lifelong Star Wars fan, that A) It's safe to do so, and B) I have a costume to put all those to shame! So, I deck out in a virtually screen accurate Luke Skywalker Tatooine outfit, custom boots and whatnot with Graflex saber at my custom-made belt and everything.

I go into the theater at 12 a.m. for the first midnight showing. The theatre is packed and I walk into the bottom aisle of the stadium seating - and NOT ONE OTHER PERSON is dressed up. The entire theatre stops talking almost all at once - probably 300+ people - and stare at me in bemused silence. I take my seat, now very self-conscious and feeling betrayed by the footage on the local news (where were all those people?!) and then am doubly humiliated when the film is gosh-awful.

In the event that KOTCS is a cinematic embarrassment and in the interest of not being humiliated a second time, I am going gearless, Wested and Adventurebilt at the most...if that...
Keep in mind French that Indy Gear is a lot more inconspicuous than a Star Wars costume. Even with a Fedora. Plus, it definitely helps if you go with friends, even if those friends aren't wearing costumes themselves. Just being around other people makes you more resilient to "the stare." :junior: -M
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Post by jeremy3178 »

Negative....at most jacket and Alden's....cause thats what I always wear. I'd hate to have to miss the movie for beating a guy senseless over a hat. Besides, what's the point?
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Post by Argonaut »

Mulceber wrote:
IndyFrench wrote:No. I made this mistake in 1999 - Here's the true, untold story and I will be brief.

I watched news footage here in Atlanta of costumed fans waiting in line for Episode I at local movie theatres. I decide, being then a lifelong Star Wars fan, that A) It's safe to do so, and B) I have a costume to put all those to shame! So, I deck out in a virtually screen accurate Luke Skywalker Tatooine outfit, custom boots and whatnot with Graflex saber at my custom-made belt and everything.

I go into the theater at 12 a.m. for the first midnight showing. The theatre is packed and I walk into the bottom aisle of the stadium seating - and NOT ONE OTHER PERSON is dressed up. The entire theatre stops talking almost all at once - probably 300+ people - and stare at me in bemused silence. I take my seat, now very self-conscious and feeling betrayed by the footage on the local news (where were all those people?!) and then am doubly humiliated when the film is gosh-awful.

In the event that KOTCS is a cinematic embarrassment and in the interest of not being humiliated a second time, I am going gearless, Wested and Adventurebilt at the most...if that...
Keep in mind French that Indy Gear is a lot more inconspicuous than a Star Wars costume. Even with a Fedora. Plus, it definitely helps if you go with friends, even if those friends aren't wearing costumes themselves. Just being around other people makes you more resilient to "the stare." :junior: -M
Definitely. Going with friends kills a lot of the awkwardness. Although, I've never been to a movie in costume before. Never had a reason to before now. But this is Indiana Jones. I would hope that most Indy fans would at least try to wear something Indy-ish.

When I went to Pirates 2 I saw plenty of people sporting piratey clothing. I think it's my duty as an Indy fan to wear whatever I can. Full gear if I can get it, but as much as I can anyway. Even if I never wear gear the rest of the time. This moment calls for it. Anybody at the theater that night who has a problem with that can go jump in a lake.

I figure we are like representatives, or emissaries, of Indy fandom. That's why it's our duty to dress up. We're the ones who are setting the bar for gear wearing.

If you can wear the entire costume, I highly recommend it. Cuz that night I am Indiana Jones. That's all there is to it.
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Post by Barty »

I will be working opening weekend in my full gear. :D
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Post by Mulceber »

Although, I've never been to a movie in costume before.
Me neither. It's going to be a new experience, but I've already invited at least 2 friends to the movie, so I'm hoping this will work out well.
If you can wear the entire costume, I highly recommend it. Cuz that night I am Indiana Jones. That's all there is to it.
Thanks for the encouragement, I'll definitely be going in full gear (sans the bullwhip and possibly the holster). :junior: -M
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Post by McFly »

Hmmm! Reading this thread kind of put me on the fence, actually. Before I'd have said "Yeah! Yeah!" If I did, I'd definitely wear the whip. It helps to go with friends, and it helps even more to go with other gearheads.

I think I'm going to end up going with Jerry / Dejah Thoris / et. al., IF we can swing it. And If that happens, you can bet I'll be in full gear. Otherwise, who knows? Maybe, maybe not. Definitely my AB, and likely my Wested and Aldens.

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Post by Argonaut »

Mulceber wrote:
Thanks for the encouragement, I'll definitely be going in full gear (sans the bullwhip and possibly the holster). :junior: -M
No problem. I'm as much encouraging myself as anyone else too. I don't have a holster, but can you really get in trouble for wearing a whip in public? I mean I guess normally you could, but maybe I could get away with it since it's at an Indy movie. Hard to say.
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Post by Mulceber »

Yeah it's a tough question...personally, I'm inclined not to risk it. I'll probably just leave the whip at home. No point in calling even MORE undue attention to myself. I think it also depends what state you're from if you're a texan you could almost certainly get away with it, but here in New York we're pretty tough on weapons (which I'm normally happy with), so it could get dicey. :junior: -M
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Post by Argonaut »

Yeah, good call. I think I could probably get away with it over here in Oregon. But we'll see. I can always bring it and leave it in the car if I change my mind. Not that great a whip anyway. :P
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Post by Risu »

I'm planning on going with the group of gearheads as well and I'll definitely be in full gear. Then when I go see it with friends I'll probably go without the gunbelt, then with each of my parents probably just jacket and hat.
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Post by Weston »

Argonaut, as a fellow Oregonian, I can assure you that the whip is safe if you want to go with that. It is classified as an "agricultural tool" rather than a weapon. A Webley or S&W though, that's another matter!

I'll be wearing an Indy jacket definitely! It would be weird for me not to wear it as it is a part of my attire every day. As to going crazy with the full gear at the premeire, and I say crazy with the utmost respect to all who plan to do so, it really depends on your community. We have three colleges in my area, so you are pretty safe doing whatever wacky thing you want. We have Ren Faires, the Black Powder and Cowboy Action Shooters (I rent from a couple of those!), the Caldonean Games (lots of kilts!), and the historical re-enactors of Fort Walla Walla.

I could probably go in full gear and not be alone. However, though I'm sure there are gearheads in this area (Milton-Freewater, OR, Walla Walla, WA in case anyone here is reading!) I don't know who they are so I would be going on my own. Maybe I'll talk to theater management and see if the want me to come down in full gear and crack the whip in the lobby a few times.

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Post by Argonaut »

Weston wrote:Argonaut, as a fellow Oregonian, I can assure you that the whip is safe if you want to go with that. It is classified as an "agricultural tool" rather than a weapon. A Webley or S&W though, that's another matter!
Thanks. :)
Weston wrote: I could probably go in full gear and not be alone. However, though I'm sure there are gearheads in this area (Milton-Freewater, OR, Walla Walla, WA in case anyone here is reading!) I don't know who they are so I would be going on my own. Maybe I'll talk to theater management and see if the want me to come down in full gear and crack the whip in the lobby a few times.

Whoah! Awesome, Weston. Not only are you a fellow Oregonian, you are a fellow Milton-Freewater/Walla Wallan! I live just outside of Milton Freewater, to the south. I'm going to see Indy 4 at Hallett cinemas in Walla Walla. That's so awesome. Had no idea there were other gear heads around here. Been living here all my life, and about 17 years in this awesome old house. Maybe I'll see you there at the premiere.
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Post by gladd96 »

Wouldn't be considered rude to wear a hat in a theater? A proper fedora could interfere with some ones view... I guess as long as one has discretion it would be fine.

I think I'll just go with the jacket if it's cold enough to warrant it... it's tasteful and connects to the ruggedness of Indy without crossing the line of taking his identity.

This all reminds me of the line from PCU- "you're wearing the shirt of the band that you're seeing— don't be that guy"
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Post by Weston »

gladd96 wrote:Wouldn't be considered rude to wear a hat in a theater? A proper fedora could interfere with some ones view... I guess as long as one has discretion it would be fine.
I bet you'll see alot of baseball caps! I wouldn't worry about that.

Argonaut, I hope I do see you at the premiere! We'lll have to get together sometime for a whipcracking session!

See why I love this group?

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Post by Mulceber »

Wouldn't be considered rude to wear a hat in a theater?
That's why hats were made to be removable. :wink: :junior: -M
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Post by starks_6 »

Yep, Im going to be the one and only gearhead in Queensland!
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Post by ob1al »

Nah - I love the gear and all, but I'll probably turn out in a pair of jeans and a Raiders t-shirt.

Costuming is cool at cons, parties or organised fundraising events etc., but I wouldn't feel comfortable going to see KOTCS in full gear.

Kudos to those who will, though - all power to ya!

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Post by Harrison_Davies »

I'll probably wear my AB, Wested, Shirt and Aldens and either jeans or black trousers, just to show I'm a fan, but not detract from the real hero.

I pretty much wear the shirt and Aldens every day anyway so not much of an addition.
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

I can't find the "Oh #ellz yeah" button....

Right now my frustration is trying to find a suitable premiere event where the tourists down here don't look at me like I'm a nut......

Back in '89, they had a premiere for LC about 40 miles from here, complete with radio station promotions and a costume contest...MANY were in costume, including myself. It was awesome. If they can't come up with at least that much enthusiasm after 19 years, there's something wrong.....

Maybe that's why I'm prepared to drive as far as Miami for the proper event, if necessary....I don't expect this sort of thing to happen again.
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Post by Red Dust »

Im getting confused... I'm going to London's leister square to see the premiere and i figure it will be a few day before may 22nd coz they'll need to do a world wide tour of premieres before the release... for that i think i will get completely dressed up. But on may 22nd i'll prob be watching it at my home cinema were like people have said if i have enough of my friends watching my back then i'll go full gear... but i think i'll get slightly drunk for it as well i think!!!

I take it people think it would be a bad idea to take my plastic resin s & w to the london prem yes????

I'm not bothered about my whip coz there wont be enough room to swing a cat.

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Post by jeremy3178 »

gladd96 wrote:

This all reminds me of the line from PCU- "you're wearing the shirt of the band that you're seeing— don't be that guy"
I love that movie....and I agree, don't be that guy. Like Ob1al said, it's cool at cons and parties, but that's just us.

Be sure you guys let us know how it goes with the full gear.
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

French, that's horrible! I feel for ya man!

That's why to have to connect with the costume people beforehand, then you know where you're all going. I went in gear to Ep. II's premiere, and in my Jedi robes for Ep. III. So I'll be going with some of the local SW folks up here for the premiere of Indy IV. Hopefully I can get some of them to suit up Indy for the night. 8) If not, it's me and Kathy as Indy and Marion. It'll be fun regardless.
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Post by ortiz344 »

Remember folks, popcorn butter stains aint fun...
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Post by Hunter Jones »

I'll be wearing by AB, Wested, and Aldens definitely. As for the rest, I'm not sure at this point.
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Post by Argonaut »

Weston wrote: Argonaut, I hope I do see you at the premiere! We'lll have to get together sometime for a whipcracking session!

See why I love this group?

Maybe sometime. Gotta get me a better whip first, haha. You'll probably be the only other dude with a fedora on there. 8) But you never know. Maybe there are others around here too.
Mulceber wrote:
Wouldn't be considered rude to wear a hat in a theater?
That's why hats were made to be removable. :wink: :junior: -M
Exactly. I plan to take mine off once I'm watching. Don't want it getting in anybody's way. And plus that's what Indy would do. It's only polite.
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Post by jeremy3178 »

You're supposed to take your hat off inside anyway. :D
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Post by Argonaut »

jeremy3178 wrote:You're supposed to take your hat off inside anyway. :D
Exactly. If you want to live by the spirit of Indiana Jones, you take it off inside.
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Post by jeremy3178 »

Is that what that is? I just did it to keep my Mom from slapping me. lol. :)
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Maybe the jacket and the Aldens . . . that's it. Otherwise, you deserve a visit by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.
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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

It occured to me it'd be be difficult to sit in a theatre seat with a gunbelt, whip, and bag. Not gonna let that stop me though. I always go to the theatre in my jacket and fedora (and always politely take off the hat when I sit so others can see the screen as everyone should do).

I find I get 100% less sass from folks when I carry the whip. People suddenly remember their manners when they see that thing.
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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

I've been meaning to ask, Chewie, just exactly how small is your town?
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Post by swcrazyfan »

I absolutely love wearing costumes to see movies! I had a Jedi Costume I made for Ep 2 and i wore it also to Ep 3. I am in theater, so I love costuming. I also Have a Jack Sparrow costume (see avatar). I love walking around in my costume because of all of the odd stares I get.

For me, it is being the odd man that makes me feel cool.

I am wearing all of the Indy stuff I can get my hands on.
Right now I have a WPG MK VII, close enough Pants & Shirt, Web Belt, Gun Holster, and Shoes. I just ordered a Camptown Fieldmaster and a custom whip holder. I am going to be buying my gun belt and bag strap from Todd's Costumes. I don't think I will have it in my budget to get the jacket.

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Post by Hunter Jones »

Snakewhip_Sable wrote:I find I get 100% less sass from folks when I carry the whip. People suddenly remember their manners when they see that thing.
That's fantastic! Maybe all whips should come with a label, 'Now with 80% more machismo!/Maintenant avec 80% plus de machisme!'
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Post by Argonaut »

swcrazyfan wrote:I absolutely love wearing costumes to see movies! I had a Jedi Costume I made for Ep 2 and i wore it also to Ep 3. I am in theater, so I love costuming. I also Have a Jack Sparrow costume (see avatar). I love walking around in my costume because of all of the odd stares I get.

For me, it is being the odd man that makes me feel cool.

I am wearing all of the Indy stuff I can get my hands on.
Right now I have a WPG MK VII, close enough Pants & Shirt, Web Belt, Gun Holster, and Shoes. I just ordered a Camptown Fieldmaster and a custom whip holder. I am going to be buying my gun belt and bag strap from Todd's Costumes. I don't think I will have it in my budget to get the jacket.

Josh K
Hey, when you get that Fieldmaster you should post pics. I ordered one to wear to the premiere. And as for your costume wearing, more power to ya I say.
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Post by swcrazyfan »

Argonaut wrote:
swcrazyfan wrote:I absolutely love wearing costumes to see movies! I had a Jedi Costume I made for Ep 2 and i wore it also to Ep 3. I am in theater, so I love costuming. I also Have a Jack Sparrow costume (see avatar). I love walking around in my costume because of all of the odd stares I get.

For me, it is being the odd man that makes me feel cool.

I am wearing all of the Indy stuff I can get my hands on.
Right now I have a WPG MK VII, close enough Pants & Shirt, Web Belt, Gun Holster, and Shoes. I just ordered a Camptown Fieldmaster and a custom whip holder. I am going to be buying my gun belt and bag strap from Todd's Costumes. I don't think I will have it in my budget to get the jacket.

Josh K
Hey, when you get that Fieldmaster you should post pics. I ordered one to wear to the premiere. And as for your costume wearing, more power to ya I say.
I will for sure post pics! I can't wait to get everything together! Can you tell i'm a little excited? :D
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Post by Argonaut »

swcrazyfan wrote:
I will for sure post pics! I can't wait to get everything together! Can you tell i'm a little excited? :D
Haha, most definitely. 8) As am I. I cannot wait to get my Fieldmaster.
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