Search found 58 matches

by Ryusui
Sun Nov 23, 2003 6:07 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

Well it's definately the closest thing I've seen so far! :shock: It's got a lot of the correct features. A few things are off. The straps are on top of the flap, where as the movie bag's straps seem to be attached to the underside of the flap. And I can't really tell, but it doesn't look like the sh...
by Ryusui
Sun Nov 16, 2003 11:18 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Eye spy with my little eye...
Replies: 8
Views: 774

Oh, I forgot to mention...don't be fooled by the last shot in the lower right corner. Those glasses look very different than the regular BOICs. That's the scene in France when Depp gets attacked by "the albino." They were probably cheap stunts. I threw that image in there when I first made...
by Ryusui
Sun Nov 09, 2003 9:15 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Eye spy with my little eye...
Replies: 8
Views: 774

Yes, I saw it. I actually have a thread in this forum looking for Depp's bag.
I've looked long and hard at the specs, and his original pair does in fact look to be the same BOICs that Indy uses.
by Ryusui
Sun Nov 02, 2003 11:40 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Query : How about a nylon Indy 8 foot replica for practice
Replies: 6
Views: 493

Ahh, so it's much more practical for harder use.

Thanks for the insight, fellas. :)
by Ryusui
Sun Nov 02, 2003 11:38 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

Ok antiquity collector, I dropped you a PM. Thanks for checking. Swindi, looks decent, it might pass, but I'll still be looking for the exact. Thanks for the continued help though! Guys, this is seriously appreciated. Especially to the mods for letting this last so long, even if it's off topic from ...
by Ryusui
Sun Oct 26, 2003 11:22 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Query : How about a nylon Indy 8 foot replica for practice
Replies: 6
Views: 493

Looks pretty nice. Good quality work.

Although, isn't it possible to find good quality leather whips for around the same prices that he charges for the nylons?
by Ryusui
Sun Oct 19, 2003 8:43 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

Thanks Swindy. :)
by Ryusui
Mon Oct 13, 2003 12:15 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

Small weekend bump. :)
by Ryusui
Sun Oct 05, 2003 9:49 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Fire Whips by Riz
Replies: 13
Views: 675

Wow...I think I'd kill myself with one of those. :lol:
Talk about Castlevania come to life! :shock:
by Ryusui
Sun Oct 05, 2003 4:17 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

Oh VERY cool!
I swear...I don't know how you people do it. Trying to find this bag has been frustrating at best. Yielding no signifigant results yet. :(

Thanks for the continued assitance!
by Ryusui
Sun Sep 28, 2003 5:09 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

A small, gratuitous bump. :(
by Ryusui
Sun Sep 21, 2003 5:42 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

Thanks, Swindiana. :)

A few of us have been searching, and one person thought it might also be a mil-spec school bag or something of the like.
Still no luck on that front, either. :(
by Ryusui
Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:18 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

Still no luck. I hope no one minds that I bump this once a week just to try and get any more assistance.

Thanks for everything that's been offered so far, guys!
by Ryusui
Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:30 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

:lol: Oh man...I've been through so many surplus sites my head's spinning!

Thanks for the leads thus far, folks. It's more than I had when I came here. :D
by Ryusui
Mon Sep 01, 2003 8:10 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

Dean Corso's bag from the movie The Ninth Gate with Johnny Depp. It was prominently featured many times throughout the movie.

Thanks for the further aid in locating this bag. :)
by Ryusui
Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:54 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

I think I found what you were referring to. Doesn't seem to be it. But thanks for the possible link. :)

Anyone else got some suggestions to offer?
by Ryusui
Mon Aug 18, 2003 1:47 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: OT - Bag expertise help requested...
Replies: 27
Views: 2053

OT - Bag expertise help requested...

Greetings all. This isn't Indy related, but I was hoping with the vast sea of knowledge you all have after searching for Mark VII gas bags, you might be able to assist me in locating a bag I'm having no luck in finding...
by Ryusui
Mon Apr 28, 2003 8:47 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: New Gun Belt
Replies: 7
Views: 577

Hey there.
I went to that Leather Factory website and found the Alamo buckle and keeper that you have posted in your message. But it's a bulk order...100 for $30.
How did you get only one? I'm having a #### of a time finding a metal keeper for my belt. :?
by Ryusui
Tue Mar 18, 2003 12:04 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: The Wells Lamont 1130s
Replies: 18
Views: 993

So....would they be yellow...or white? :P
by Ryusui
Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:33 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: The Wells Lamont 1130s
Replies: 18
Views: 993

Ok, ok...I think maybe THIS time, I found them! But I found two versions. One is yellowish, the other white. Both have a yellow trim around the wrist area. The site says the correct color of the 1123s were yellowish-tan. But the image seems to be kinda white under all that grit. What has everyone be...
by Ryusui
Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:21 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Gloves to wear when cracking?
Replies: 19
Views: 968

Wouldn't the 1130s work fine for whip cracking?
It'd help break them in, too. :)
by Ryusui
Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:53 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: The Wells Lamont 1130s
Replies: 18
Views: 993

Oh yea, we do. Maui just got one a little more than a year ago, but Oahu has had a few for quite some time. I think the Big Island has one or two, but I think that's it.

We just don't have much IN them. :?
by Ryusui
Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:47 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: The Wells Lamont 1130s
Replies: 18
Views: 993

Well that jerks it... Hawaii *****. :? Honestly, you'd think finding at least the simplest thing would be easy here...even the simple things are often hard to find. Joe, I do have to say, customer service of that caliber is very rare indeed. Although it's not much, I feel special recognition is in o...
by Ryusui
Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:05 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: The Wells Lamont 1130s
Replies: 18
Views: 993

So then I might have to go to the source for the correct, non-grip version?

Man, and here I thought I had lucked out. :?
by Ryusui
Mon Feb 24, 2003 3:17 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: The Wells Lamont 1130s
Replies: 18
Views: 993

Noooooooo! :(
So then do you think there might be alternate versions, or maybe this isn't really an 1130?
by Ryusui
Mon Feb 24, 2003 3:15 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: eBay "superior" whip
Replies: 13
Views: 624

Whiper Jones wrote:Oh no!
Not again Texas Bulls**t!

by Ryusui
Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:30 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: eBay "superior" whip
Replies: 13
Views: 624


He was rather rude in his correspondence with members here, as well.

Actually, EXTREMELY rude is more like it.
by Ryusui
Sun Feb 23, 2003 9:11 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: eBay "superior" whip
Replies: 13
Views: 624

Isn't this....the same guy who put down DM in one of his past auctions???
by Ryusui
Sun Feb 23, 2003 7:37 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: The Wells Lamont 1130s
Replies: 18
Views: 993

The Wells Lamont 1130s

Hey guys, quick and very urgent question. I found what I think is a pair of 1130s (I checked Lowes...I checked Wal-Mart...I checked Home Depot...I even checked Ace Hardware...would you believe I found them at a SAFEWAY of all places??? :shock: ) but when looking at the Indy Gear info on gloves, it d...
by Ryusui
Tue Feb 18, 2003 7:37 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Ebay Whip
Replies: 25
Views: 1175

You know what I've learned reading this thread?

That you guys know SO MUCH about whips, any new whip maker would shiver with fear when entering the market if they knew all of you existed! :lol:
by Ryusui
Thu Feb 06, 2003 7:33 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Sacrilege?
Replies: 33
Views: 1986

MK is right. from a girl's point of view... most guys look like slobs these days... or like he said.. they're out to mow the lawn. :wink: but when they do start to dress better people wonder what the occasion is. Hey now! Let's not generalize! :lol: I tend to wear essentially what Adam Sandler was ...
by Ryusui
Thu Feb 06, 2003 12:45 am
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Sacrilege?
Replies: 33
Views: 1986

Re: Sacrilege?

So here's my idea: I'm thinking of buying a Wested in black, along with a grey Fed. I figure with grey pants and black shoes it would look pretty snazzy and different, yet still in keeping with the Indy look. Woah, sounds really slick to me! I'd LOVE to see pics if you do in fact go with this look!
by Ryusui
Thu Jan 02, 2003 10:15 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Want a pair of Wells Lamont Gloves? (size medium)
Replies: 6
Views: 440

No problem at all. That was very kind of you to even let us know that we were being considered, and also to update when they were spoken for.
Not to mention the kindness of just donating these gloves to another fan. Thanks again. :)
by Ryusui
Tue Dec 31, 2002 4:57 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Want a pair of Wells Lamont Gloves? (size medium)
Replies: 6
Views: 440

Does Hawaii count as non-US? :lol:
I have a hard time finding four-fifths of the things most mainland people do. :P
by Ryusui
Thu Dec 12, 2002 1:57 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Wells Lamont #1130
Replies: 7
Views: 552

Got any extras for those of us in the ass-end of the world who can't find them? :(
by Ryusui
Fri Nov 08, 2002 5:00 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: The MKVII Stench
Replies: 28
Views: 1402

I've been curious ever since I got my bag. How would you, if one can, find out if your bag was actually issued and war used? I mean it certainally looks as if it's been through a little - it's no WPG bag, that's for sure. But I'd also expect this thing to be a bit more...tattered if it were used. I ...
by Ryusui
Fri Nov 08, 2002 2:31 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: The MKVII Stench
Replies: 28
Views: 1402

Guess I got lucky too. :)

So is there some club now? Non-Smelley Mark VIIs of the world? ::LOL::
by Ryusui
Tue Nov 05, 2002 10:36 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Raiders Whip - My Tale
Replies: 20
Views: 2829


Standing ovation. What a story!
by Ryusui
Mon Nov 04, 2002 10:26 pm
Forum: Guns & Holsters
Topic: lee keppler gear
Replies: 29
Views: 1770


I guess I gotta keep saving for my $950. :(
by Ryusui
Mon Nov 04, 2002 10:19 pm
Forum: Guns & Holsters
Topic: lee keppler gear
Replies: 29
Views: 1770

PLEASE tell me the Webley is a blank firing and not just a static replica!!!
I'd gladly pass over the real one for a blank if I can get it!
by Ryusui
Mon Nov 04, 2002 2:08 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Bag strap - found a photo showing the grooves on the edges!
Replies: 27
Views: 1372

Pyroxene wrote:I would think those grooves shouldn't be too hard to make. I wonder what the importance of those grooves are? Does it add strength to the strap? Flexability? or is it just decoration? Perplexing.....
Well ONE thing is for sure...

They do look nice. :D
by Ryusui
Sun Nov 03, 2002 9:33 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Bag strap - found a photo showing the grooves on the edges!
Replies: 27
Views: 1372

If that's an '81 magazine, then this picture would be from Raiders, yes?

So is it still up for debate whether or not the LC strap had the groove, or do you folks know something I have not yet read up on? :)
by Ryusui
Mon Oct 28, 2002 4:39 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Whip strength
Replies: 5
Views: 486

I've never seen any behind-the-scenes info on the movies, but wouldn't the stuntmen have also been wearing harnesses for the swings and dragging?
by Ryusui
Sat Oct 26, 2002 11:09 pm
Forum: Guns & Holsters
Topic: Holster help
Replies: 6
Views: 543

Don't know year of manufacture, but apparently it belonged to an Lc Cpl.
by Ryusui
Sat Oct 26, 2002 7:30 pm
Forum: Guns & Holsters
Topic: Holster help
Replies: 6
Views: 543

Hey I have a question that I'd appreciate opinions on.
What do you folks think of a genuine WWI Mark VI holster for $50?
by Ryusui
Thu Oct 24, 2002 8:42 pm
Forum: Guns & Holsters
Topic: FOUND: Webley MK VI
Replies: 9
Views: 701

Can you snap some pics of the gun for us?
If no one else jumps on it...I wanna! The only one I've found is a whopping $950! :shock:
by Ryusui
Thu Oct 24, 2002 8:42 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: A better way to coil!
Replies: 11
Views: 800

Thanks a ton for the info. :)
So for the first in the Cairo X, do I need to have my two fingers and thumb extended, as well? :lol: that whip program available on DVD?
I sorta don't have a VCR. :P
by Ryusui
Thu Oct 24, 2002 3:49 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: A better way to coil!
Replies: 11
Views: 800

Hey Sergei, actually, thanks a ton for detailing the "Cairo X." I didn't know what it was either. When you say "underhand crack," do you mean that you snap the wrist up instead of down like the forward crack? Also, what are the four basics? The site (as far as I can see) only lis...
by Ryusui
Thu Oct 24, 2002 12:02 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: WPG bag field report.
Replies: 17
Views: 1153

So how much power do you feel, walking down with a weapon on you? :lol:
by Ryusui
Wed Oct 23, 2002 7:43 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: WPG bag field report.
Replies: 17
Views: 1153

Ahh, ok. I saw that name in the bag section of the gear info. I just didn't place the initials. :lol:

I've seen those on eBay a lot. Looks great for $40. carry around a Glock?