Search found 71 matches
- Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:41 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: US Wings cease & desist?
- Replies: 52
- Views: 4736
Yeh. Watch out. Big Brother is monitoring you. Libel. Give me a break. As we're currently in the midst of another supposed possible law suit at this very moment, I suggest you drop the attitude and condescension NOW or find yourself on a little vacation. Supposed? What does that mean? What would I ...
- Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:44 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: US Wings cease & desist?
- Replies: 52
- Views: 4736
- Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:06 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Just got my Todds Standard
- Replies: 21
- Views: 1905
- Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:55 am
- Forum: Gear Care & Distressing
- Topic: Pecard: Before & After
- Replies: 15
- Views: 1487
- Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:27 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Just got my Todds Standard
- Replies: 21
- Views: 1905
That Coyle's standard leather isn't stiff. It's like tropical weight wool cloth it's so thin. I'm 6'2 and I'd say the xxl sleeve length is great but the torso is pretty short. I'm waiting to see how it goes down after I lose this winter weight. After all, it's not the jacket's fault that I ate too m...
- Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:43 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Cowhide - break the silence
- Replies: 18
- Views: 1377
I have a Flight Suits cowhide Navy G-1 that I got in 2000, and it's absolutely fantastic leather. Soft, drapes nicely, stays flexible in below zero temperatures, is tough as nails and is reasonably light weight. Easily as light as the leather they use in their chrome goat. Sometimes I wish I'd gotte...
- Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:52 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: What a leather jacket is supposed to be.
- Replies: 66
- Views: 5460
How come the actual jacket Indiana Jones wears doesn't last? He's had four movies, and four different, albeit similar jackets? Why aren't the movie makers so obsessed with the SA of the jacket from Raiders that they wouldn't even attempt to duplicate it other than the general idea of the jacket? Eh?...
- Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:23 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Expedition Owners - Size 40 or 42
- Replies: 5
- Views: 468
I measured my full chest to be 42inches so I ordered a 42R. A 40R would have fitted snugly. A 42 gives me LOTS of room to add a simple sweater. My suggestion. The size suit jacket that you wear will have the same fit as the expedition. Just my 2 cents. Good Luck! Gee. The poor guy asked for an armp...
- Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:03 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Wested out of new goat?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 740
I've been reading this forum on and off for almost 8 years and there is a constant uninterrupted thread of complaints just like this about Wested. Sure there are happy stories too, but man, why should this be any kind of surprise? It's all documented. History repeats and repeats and repeats and repe...
- Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:57 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: For Todd's standard is the durability?
- Replies: 27
- Views: 1975
You guys don't like the way it smells? Man I do! It reminds me of my Wested lambskin when it was new, only not as strong. But hey, I like the smell of gasoline, and the kids play-dough. Indakin, let's see it! Weston That's it! I couldn't figure out what it smelled like. It smells like diesel fuel. ...
- Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:19 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: For Todd's standard is the durability?
- Replies: 27
- Views: 1975
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Just got my new XXXL todds stanard and its sooooo nice. The hide see,s slightly different but thats good, almsot slightly thicker and i loveeee it. Cant remember if the front pockets had cotton in them before but this one does just like the Wested cotton linning. AMAZING fits ...
- Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:48 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Was the Smithsonian jacket actually in the movie or...
- Replies: 97
- Views: 5612
What's the point?
The jacket in the display was not ever used during production. In fact, when the donation was made, they pulled the jacket from the archives and it had not even been distressed. Somebody from the property room did it with sandpaper and they shipped it off to Washington... That's like if Archy Bunke...
- Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:06 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: so, who has the most 'distressed' indy jacket?
- Replies: 107
- Views: 10016
- Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:19 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: so, who has the most 'distressed' indy jacket?
- Replies: 107
- Views: 10016
Purchased in 2000 you say? What's the timeline with this jacket exactly? When I called to order mine in 2001, it was only offered in lambskin and wasn't in their online catalog yet. I had to custom order mine in goatskin. Kathy Falcon tried to talk me out of it. And weren't they still putting Flight...
- Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:04 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: so, who has the most 'distressed' indy jacket?
- Replies: 107
- Views: 10016
As far as natural distressing goes, it has a lot to do with the leather you start out with. Behold, the 1984 LL BEAN goatskin that will not age, will not distress, and still squeaks like the day it was born, despite being worn for over 20 years in the soaking rain, the flying snow, the baking sun, a...
- Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:55 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Just received my Overstock close enough jacket...
- Replies: 3
- Views: 493
- Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:43 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: For Todd's standard is the durability?
- Replies: 27
- Views: 1975
- Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:33 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: My Todd's standard indy jacket...
- Replies: 21
- Views: 1482
Yeh, that's way too small for an XL. I suspected his XL was on the small side by the measurements he gives on the website so I ordered an XXL. I'm 6'2 - 200lbs. Now I'm worried an XXL will be too small. It's supposed to get here Thursday, but I'll miss the UPS guy for the signature so probably won't...
- Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:14 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: “Earned” jacket distressing.
- Replies: 62
- Views: 3742 ... c54c_o.jpgafrayedknot wrote:Can someone post pics of naturally distressed goatskin or horsehide jackets, please?
Here's my goat Gibson Barnes - purchased in March 2001
- Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:08 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: “Earned” jacket distressing.
- Replies: 62
- Views: 3742
The way I see it, is that Indiana Jones is a fictional character, and the distressed look of his jacket, is in fact a fictional background created for this character. Since I'm not a fictional character, I want my jacket to get it's patina the natural way, through being worn by me as I live my life ...
- Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:07 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Todd's Standard Indy Jackets
- Replies: 10
- Views: 1153
- Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:05 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Chaps Hipsters at are back
- Replies: 8
- Views: 558
- Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:18 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Chaps Hipsters at are back
- Replies: 8
- Views: 558
- Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:27 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Belstaff making replica jacket...
- Replies: 51
- Views: 3769
Poor Mike Jones. He really got shot down there didn't he? How did _ not know about this? He knows everything.Cassidy wrote:Mikes Jones was onto this a while ago. Seems he was right.
- Thu May 24, 2007 10:46 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: UPDATED11/22: Comparison: Todd's Custom vs. Todd's Standard!
- Replies: 118
- Views: 11394
...........Didnt it shrink the C RAP out of it ? Does it still fit ? Actually, I think it fits better. I did it because my upper arms out grew the 20-21 inches that were available in the standard 48. While it was still about 5% wet, I put it on, zipped it up and stretched and flexed (right after a ...
- Thu May 24, 2007 11:41 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: UPDATED11/22: Comparison: Todd's Custom vs. Todd's Standard!
- Replies: 118
- Views: 11394
- Thu May 24, 2007 10:31 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: UPDATED11/22: Comparison: Todd's Custom vs. Todd's Standard!
- Replies: 118
- Views: 11394
- Wed May 23, 2007 11:29 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: UPDATED11/22: Comparison: Todd's Custom vs. Todd's Standard!
- Replies: 118
- Views: 11394
- Wed May 23, 2007 11:22 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: UPDATED11/22: Comparison: Todd's Custom vs. Todd's Standard!
- Replies: 118
- Views: 11394
- Wed May 23, 2007 11:11 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: UPDATED11/22: Comparison: Todd's Custom vs. Todd's Standard!
- Replies: 118
- Views: 11394
The above statement makes it clear that there were jackets made for Harrison Ford that didn't have gussets. So if a vendor sells a jacket without gussets nobody can complain that it's not screen accurate. The genral notion is that the jackets worn by HF didn't have gussets and that those with gusse...
- Wed May 23, 2007 8:13 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: UPDATED11/22: Comparison: Todd's Custom vs. Todd's Standard!
- Replies: 118
- Views: 11394
- Sat May 19, 2007 12:23 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: UPDATED11/22: Comparison: Todd's Custom vs. Todd's Standard!
- Replies: 118
- Views: 11394
- Thu May 17, 2007 11:54 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: The right collar, at last
- Replies: 22
- Views: 1382
- Wed May 16, 2007 1:01 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Raider's jacket period accuracy
- Replies: 18
- Views: 1609
Period accurate? Well the majority of A1's were made from cape leather, also known as lambskin. Handwarmers were non-existent. Zippers were a new-fangled invention, primarily used for women's undergarments until - well about 1931. Jackets were secured by buttons before that. Press-studs were largel...
- Wed May 16, 2007 10:20 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Another "claim" to fame
- Replies: 79
- Views: 4397
I disagree. Hand Made doesn't mean poor quality. It can. Depends on the skill. Jones' jacket seems to have been incredibily well made. Look at all the stuff it stood up to. That's a high quality super jacket if you ask me. Also, from Flight Suits website: 13. Hand matching. You want all the leather ...
- Wed May 16, 2007 9:41 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Another "claim" to fame
- Replies: 79
- Views: 4397
They way I’ve tried to look at it, is that the jacket or jackets in Raiders were costumes and weren’t actually the jacket Indiana Jones wore. Just like Harrison Ford wasn’t really Indiana Jones. The movie, the fiction, transforms through suspension of disbelief. What I tried to buy years ago was a r...
- Fri May 11, 2007 3:13 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: The Keppler-Flightsuits jacket
- Replies: 39
- Views: 3242
- Fri May 11, 2007 1:13 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: The Keppler-Flightsuits jacket
- Replies: 39
- Views: 3242
Lee Keppler used to buy his jackets from me before Flighsuits but I have no knowledge of him sending one of his jackets to me and why would he? It is not logical, I certainly would not have bought one from him and why would I. The leather surround on the inside pocket was to make the pocket stronge...
- Fri May 11, 2007 9:22 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: The Keppler-Flightsuits jacket
- Replies: 39
- Views: 3242
Thanks for the explanation. And I didn't mean to imply any illegitimacy. Merely equal legitimacy, thinking the importance of the Keppler jacket was that it was based on measurements of a screen used jacket just as the Expedition was. Not really important though. Now I understand that it is the histo...
- Thu May 10, 2007 6:32 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: The Keppler-Flightsuits jacket
- Replies: 39
- Views: 3242
I'm very curious what the significance of the Keppler jacket is. I've seen it referred to for years but never knew what the deal was. The early posts from this string helped some, but it seems to me that the jacket is no more legitimate then the Expedition. Is it that it was created so early? That i...
- Fri May 04, 2007 4:16 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Goat Expedition being Worn
- Replies: 43
- Views: 2802
- Fri May 04, 2007 4:15 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Goat Expedition being Worn
- Replies: 43
- Views: 2802
- Fri May 04, 2007 10:32 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Goat Expedition being Worn
- Replies: 43
- Views: 2802
- Thu May 03, 2007 10:46 am
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Goat Expedition being Worn
- Replies: 43
- Views: 2802
- Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:05 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Goat Expedition being Worn
- Replies: 43
- Views: 2802
- Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:53 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Goat Expedition being Worn
- Replies: 43
- Views: 2802
- Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:49 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Goat Expedition being Worn
- Replies: 43
- Views: 2802
Thanks to everyone for their comments. Couple of things. First of all, the sleeves are equal in length. I must have had the jacket on a little scued to one side. The side photo shows the sleeve length with the jacket zippered. And the location of the side strap is actully smack dab in the middle of ...
- Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:45 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: G&B Expedition in lamb [pics added]
- Replies: 17
- Views: 2144
- Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:23 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Goat Expedition being Worn
- Replies: 43
- Views: 2802
- Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:59 pm
- Forum: Leather Jacket
- Topic: Goat Expedition being Worn
- Replies: 43
- Views: 2802