Hedji wrote:Chose Poorly wrote:
Are you going for 2-pronged buckles? All cotton liner? X-box stitching? Happy to answer any questions on those too.
Oh wow. I am very new at this.
Yes, please... can you explain these options and what you recommend? I like screen accuracy for sure, but I do plan to wear it frequently.
This is my first jacket purchase since ‘89 when I bought my licensed jacket, so I truly appreciate the help and suggestions.
After all, I do not wish to “choose poorly”.

Not claiming to be an expert by any means, but those are the screen accurate options according to research done by a number of Indy gear fans. Wested is supposed to be using the Fiocchi branded hardware they used on the original jackets (while supplies last). That’s what I have on the jacket I received.
The 2-pronged buckles are sturdy and hold well. The prongs are very sharp and basically stick into the leather strap. They can be a little tricky to tighten without loosening first, but not in a way that is problematic. You’ll find the right waist tightness for you and leave them alone after that, so better that they stay put.
The x-box stitching is screen accurate for the most part, though the stitching in a lot of images from the films looks like a v-shaped stitch inside the box more than an x. Either way, it gives you additional reinforcement where your straps are attached to the jacket and your body movement regularly puts stress on the stitching. I’m surprised they don’t include it as standard and stop offering it as an add on. But if we’ll pay extra for it I guess...
Finally, regarding the liner, all cotton is technically screen accurate, so if you’re dead set on screen accuracy then go for all cotton. But it really comes down to personal preference on this one since nobody is looking in your sleeves. Satin sleeves exist to make it easier to slip your arms in the jacket, and that’s why Wested uses it as standard in most of their jackets. Cotton is more fibrous and can stick to shirts or skin when putting the jacket on. Personally, I went with all cotton because cotton is more breathable and I prefer the way it feels against my skin if I’m just wearing a t-shirt underneath the jacket. Satin can get a little warm if you find yourself wearing your jacket in warmer weather. So far, I haven’t had much of an issue with the liner sticking to my sleeves. It did the first few times I put the jacket on, but I’ve noticed it happening less and less over time from the leather crinkling conforming to my arms, and from just being conscious of it when I put the jacket on. It’s easy to prevent.
While I appreciate screen accuracy (or what we all think is accurate from a compilation of research), I can also say that I feel good about the choices I made with my order. The buckles hold well, the straps feel securely attached, and the liner is comfortable. I have been wearing the jacket almost every day, including indoors at times if the AC is cranked. I find myself throwing it on instead of a sweatshirt. So I don’t think you’ll regret your choices.