Leave it alone and let these two deal with it.
Consider this is a second warning.
Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Mike, Indydawg
You will not post more then SIX photos per thread (not per post). Not to exceed 640x480 pixels. You can also post UP TO SIX ADDITIONAL LINKS to photos as well. Again, per thread, not per post. We highly recommend having ONE LINK to a page offsite to either your web page or hosting service where the remainder of your photos are for viewing.
Yep, you probably should since everyone wants to say how evil the rulers of this place are. I know you want it to look like the Mods here are such jerks because we only let a "member" post 6 pics per thread. And it's a set number the "member" agrees to when joining, since it's mentioned in the Rules section. It's only been broken numerous times in this thread alone and the rules been posted as much.CRB wrote: Mine has finally arrived. Very nice.
Too scared to post many photos on this thread ... I've got a full review over at filmjackets.com
What's a Ser Lamp?trdaggers wrote:About $812 with shipping for the Ser Lamp in USA.
JC1972 wrote:What's a Ser Lamp?trdaggers wrote:About $812 with shipping for the Ser Lamp in USA.
CM wrote:Expensive. Nice thing but I'm staying with my G&B goat.
Oh, striated lamb! I really need more sleep.WConly wrote:JC1972 wrote:What's a Ser Lamp?trdaggers wrote:About $812 with shipping for the Ser Lamp in USA.
I think he is referring to the Striated Lambskin that Kelso offers as one of the choices of leather. W>
hey Itfoleyltfoley wrote:Hello all indy fan! First post here!
I have ordered a size 40 grainy lamb, should receive it soon! Can't wait!
I have a little doubt about the size, hope it will fit!! I'll post some pics when i have it.