... 26013.aspx

A tad pricy but appears to be a nice shawl sweater.

Moderators: Mike, Cajunkraut, Tennessee Smith
Amen. Now if he would just open the door........If I'm going to spend $150 on a sweater I'll wait until Magnoli is taking orders again.
Did you get your replacement yet LM?Luke Warmwater wrote:Got my Duluth Trading cardigan. It's very nice, but I have to send it back because it's too big. So if you're 6' and 200 pounds, the XL will be too big for you.
It's a rich chocolate color, very pretty. Matched my Penman nicely. When I get the correct size I'll get some MOTB gear pics up.
Any updated photos?Indiana Croft wrote:Thanks guys, I'll re-post some using my wifes camera first chance I get, they'll be a lot more crisp, this one was taken using my inexpensive xmas camera, but it also may have been because I had it on the wrong setting, we'll see.