I just got off the phone with a fellow who works in the movie industry on the West Coast, specifically the prop supply part of the industry, who will remain un-named at his request, but he's been around the business for quite a while. In the discussion, I mentioned all these discussions regarding the dents, bumps and 'swoops' in the brim that everyone is trying to copy in the Indiana Jones trilogy, specifically Raiders. I directed him to this thread (among others), and he laughed. He told me that the standard practice in the industry was to always hand a hat ONE SIZE SMALLER to the principal actor anytime they are going to be involved in any streneous action scenes. I specifically mentioned the fight scenes from Raiders, and he said 'perfect example'. By making it a smaller size, they do not have to worry about reshooting scenes with the hat flying off during a stunt. This smaller hat will deform along the brim due to the smaller size, but that is never a concern, as who is going to look at the scene with a microscope and notice that anyway. (He don't know us, do he?

) When they have non-action scene, the principal then dons a correctly sized hat, and they go on with the shooting of the movie. This would account for the continued change from scene to scene of the fit and shape of the fedora. I don't have any reason to doubt this fellow, as he's been in the business for decades, and I have experienced the same thing anytime I put on a size 7 1/4 fedora regarding these dents and swoops of the brim, but never do when wearing a 7 3/8 long oval. Just some things to mull over. Regards. Michaelson