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Moderators: Mike, Cajunkraut, Tennessee Smith
Yes, in the novelization Shorty had a little knife.Browncoat wrote:For some reason I always thought Short Round had a little knife. However, I don't know where that conclusion came from. Perhaps it was written in the novelization or script?
indy89 wrote:The knife also shows up in the spike chamber.
That is what I love about COW- I've seen ToD at LEAST 70 times and yet I didn't know that Shorty's knife was seen anywhere except the whipping scene...until NOWIdahoJones wrote:indy89 wrote:The knife also shows up in the spike chamber.
On Short Round or Indy? Need to look that scene over
Ok its SR knife. Spike room - When Indy tells Willy its a along story you see him hand SR a knife as he was using it to jimmy the spike room mechanism. Mods you can move this over to the other character section if you want. Gotta love DVD
Gotta love DVD!knibs7 wrote:That is what I love about COW- I've seen ToD at LEAST 70 times and yet I didn't know that Shorty's knife was seen anywhere except the whipping scene...until NOWIdahoJones wrote:indy89 wrote:The knife also shows up in the spike chamber.
On Short Round or Indy? Need to look that scene over
Ok its SR knife. Spike room - When Indy tells Willy its a along story you see him hand SR a knife as he was using it to jimmy the spike room mechanism. Mods you can move this over to the other character section if you want. Gotta love DVDBTW, you can also see it when they first enter the room (Shorty has it in his hand) and after Willie pulls the fulcrum release lever- on Shorty's belt when he is kneeling down
Nice find Idaho!
Forgive me for being off topic, but I couldn't resist... freeze frame when Indy reaches under the closing "door" to get his hat after he pushes Willie and Short Round out. You might have to play it a couple of times, but you will be glad you did.Indiana Holt wrote:what else? hmm.....![]()
if you look very closely you see that there is something different with Indy in the same scene...![]()
but thats of topic...
http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g182/ ... cap557.jpg
Unlike the curved, ornate daggers of Yemen and Oman, the shibriya is a straight, workmanlike blade made for the rough-and-tumble of daily Bedouin life. Not a decoration but a tool, it is designed to be easily drawn, to cut through canvas and rope, to shear sheep – and to kill.
So there's nothing "ancient" (depending on how your feelings about something ~70 years old being ancientThese knives are tourist souvenirs made in India during the 1950s & 1960s. They can sometimes be found with double-ended sheaths having a knife & fork at opposite ends and intended as carving sets. The names are limited only the imagination of the seller and the gullibility of the buyer.
That one looks dead on the moneyIndiana Jeff wrote: ↑Mon Mar 20, 2023 12:26 pm There are a number of similar knives listed on etsy and ebay for pretty reasonable prices. I pulled this image from a current live ebay listing selling for $24.99 with free shipping.
Indiana Jeff