Magnoli Raiders HJ.

Magnoli Raiders HJ

regards, Fedora
Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
That is what a difference in 1/2 inch in crown height does to a hat. The pic that Magnoli posted was the prototype that was too short!! I did not catch it until after I had cut the brim. Too late to go back then. The pics I posted is the same block, but with the right crown height. His pic depicted a hat I screwed up. My pic showed what the hat should have looked like. I had to learn how to work with this rabbit felt.This hat looks very different than the first one in the main Magnoli/JH thread. Different blocks this time? Also, Todd's HJ's look much, much better than those tapered SAB ones.
Seen from a particular perspective, we are all recycled. Recycled star dust, to wax poetic.Nice touch putting the recycle emblem in the photo That should help keep the beaver loving enviromentalists happy
Great hat by the way
It would make a great LC hat, or TOD hat, IF, the felt were stiffer. The felt as we receive it today is great for a Raiders fedora, but is severely lacking in the right blockshape to pull it off. The current block shape of the HJ really calls for the stiffer LC felt. It would then be what the original LC was, in felt and blockshape. And it would not **** in so much on the top when you put in the top crease, giving less taper than this soft felt does. The current HJs have the most Raiders accurate felt that I have seen out of HJ since I saw Mike's Lee Kepler HJ. In fact, this may very well be the exact same felt that was on the Raider's fedora. If not, it is very close. FedoraThe SAB doesn't even look like a bad Indy hat, but the reblock is great!
Doggone it all, just what I needed, another COW member coming up with a way to seperate me from my money.That federation looks good! I guess that will be my next move. To offer a Raider's Federation. Might be nice to have a Raiders Federation, and put a 150 dollar price on it. That would be a hat that the college kids could afford. Fedora