From what I saw, he WAS asked a few times how much it was

,and he answered. The original thread was just what you said, him just showing a one-off that he made for ITG. No harm, no foul, from what I can see.
Adam, I'll definitely go the 12 plait! Question though- 48 inches(including fall) is almost putting it in the realm of the Pocketbull,IMO. I'm wanting one that really IS tiny. Can you make one that is more like 36 inches TOTAL (not including popper) and that is really scaled down to just look like a miniature full size, not just a small whip? Am I making this clear at all?

So basically, the strands,plaiting,handle and everything would be 'to scale', meaning small thin strands etc. (sorry, I'm not trying to tell you how to make a whip

, just trying to explain myself clearly). And of course, it'll be able to crack,,albeit maybe not too loudly