Social Media Developer and Manager, Content Contributor, Club Obi Wan Administrator

So in the spring of 2007 a man’s wife tells him she booked a vacation to Disney World during the month of October. He wasn’t too excited until she mentioned that they would be going to a Halloween costume party at the Magic Kingdom while they were there. Then she laid down the gauntlet… he could go as Indiana Jones.
Having been a fan since he saw Raiders at the age of 6 he was more than excited. This lead him to the Internet and Google linked him to IndyGear and his search for the perfect gear had begun.
Since then Tennessee Smith paid his dues as a member and was brought on board a few years later as a moderator and is now one of the Administrators of Club Obi Wan.
During that time he has aided in the growth of IndyGear by suggesting and the creation of new sections to the board, working on the main site’s content, and also creating and maintaining our social media presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.