Content Contributor, Knower of Things

Considered by many to be a cornerstone of the IndyGear community, we’re proud to have Michaelson as a staff member. He’s been an influence, or had his hand in many advances in gear collecting history. From conceptualizing ideas, to helping with research and development on new projects, it has become common place for some vendors seek out his advice. Heck, he’s even had a hat named after him. A constant presence on Club Obi Wan, he is a wealth of information always happy to enlighten others with his vast knowledge from gear to guns to trains and watches. Actually, you name it, he most likely has a knowledge or experience about it, and as long as we can keep him well-caffeinated, he’s happy to share. We are most appreciative of his help both here on the main site and as a moderator on Club Obi Wan.
“…I will be in my office on Tuesday, but not Wednesday. Don’t forget to read chapters 4 and 5!”