Content Contributor

Michael’s quest with Indiana Jones started barely a year after Raiders of the Lost Ark left theaters as he enjoyed it over and over on Showtime on 1980s cable. He collected all of the Temple of Doom posters from Wendy’s, and by the final year of the decade, his mother would surprise him with the official Indiana Jones fedora sold in stores the summer of Last Crusade.
In 1994, his grandfather gifted him his first bullwhip. By the late-90s in college, Michael was a frequent denizen of the Indyfan message board, and by the new millennium, he was a staff writer for, Indy-Web, and Indy-Experience all at the same time, even as he received his first jacket from Wested, and belts, bag, and holster from Noel Howard.
Michael would spend the next few years in Los Angeles with many of the IndyGear members of the day, learning from Sergei how to pull off the whip moves Harrison Ford did in the films, while continuing to write for While in graduate school, he would interview Deborah
Nadoolman Landis, the original costume designer on Raiders of the Lost
A short time before the release of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Michael
became a staff writer at IndyGear. Unfortunately, life with a new career
quickly got in the way and with Indiana Jones as a franchise looking to be at
its end at the time as well, the future was foggy for a time. But with the
announcement of Dial of Destiny, Michael returned to the IndyGear house
that he’d enjoyed for so many years from its inception with so many dear
The creator and main host of the YouTube channel, RetroBlasting, that deals
with all things pop culture, Michael has, as one might expect, tackled a
number of Indiana Jones-related subjects over the 12 years the channel has
been producing videos. Recently reactivated as an IndyGear staff writer to
update these pages with new intel gathered in the years between the fourth
and latest films, Michael has accepted that, in one form or another, he’s
always going to be wearing the Alden boots that Fritz sold him all those years
ago to follow the footsteps of the Indiana Jones franchise.