I currently wet form the holsters at no extra charge. All you need do is ask for it. In countries where you cannot have any sort of pistol replica it is cool to have wet forming because it looks like there is a pistol in the holster when there is not.
Sorry for the poor quality pics but you get the idea. Anyone with a holster currently on order can email me (adventureleather@mac.com) and ask for free wet forming if you like.
Again, sorry for the lame webcam shots but I was in a hurry to get this one out to my customer.

Wet forming is a form of distressing the holster and no two pieces of leather will react the same to the technique. Therefore each wet formed holster will have it's own unique look and I cannot guarantee exactly how the leather will take the process. So by asking for wet forming you are accepting the fact that your holster will have character and markings which may not be exactly like you see in this and other photos of the wet formed holsters. Also, wet forming is different than distressing but can be done in addition to wet forming. Distressing is usually just a lot of sanding and elbow grease, not wet forming. They are two different techniques. I currently offer both free to you guys here at the COW.