Hey Folks,
Thought you might get a kick and a smile outta this...
7 weeks or so back when I was on vacation with my new Garrison my son got it in his head to make a Paper Indy Fedora for himself. When he told me I smiled and said "Sounds like a great idea... you should DO it" always wanting to be encouraging but not quite sure how tricky it might be - or exactly what he'd end up with)...
So, he grabbed up some construction paper and off he went...
Well, before you could say "Bronze piece, about this size, with a hole in it, off-center with a crystal" he was back with his finished hat.
I was impressed... and told him so.
(If it hadda been me I probably would have gone the lazy route and made a tall ring of paper to make a "round crown", but instead he took the time to make a crown with a pinch)...
That's my boy. I'm one proud Dad.
I want you to know that we both realize this probably isn't a first... After all, it's tough to find something that hasn't already been done/covered/asked/answered here at C.O.W. over the years and we know there have probably been more than a few pictures of different kinds of Paper Indy Hats posted in these Forums... but still thought it would be fun to share and see what you think (especially for those of you newer members who maybe hadn't seen one).
One note on the photos:
When he showed me the hat I immediately asked if he'd like to have a few photos taken and we went outside to do just that... once we were done, however, we both realized (well, HE did... I wasn't going to say anything) that he hadn't made a "ribbon & bow"... so back to work he went and came back with the hat you see in the last photo (and last link).
Anyway, hope you like these.
Mitch & Son

A couple of links:
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... re1015.jpg
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... re1008.jpg