I received my Garrison hat Cairo Style, I'm very happy. The size is perfect for me and the hat fit perfectly in my head. It's special and very fun to wore a another hat that my hat. David Garrison made a realy good hat and it's very easy to make a business with him,
I appreciat this.
For me, the felt color and the ribbon color are very important. This hat have the realy good colors and realy good quality. I love the interior Sweet Band, it's very flexible and soft.
I have a question for you guys, I would like to know wich word do you use for the exterieur of sweat band. Just up the ribbon, the dust or dirt ?????? I like this on my hat.
Sorry for my short message, it's very hard to me to write in english. I hope that you understand. Look my many beautiful pictures.
Thank you David!

http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/4695 ... asmall.jpg
http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/6759 ... asmall.jpg
http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/6150/s ... asmall.jpg
Thanks for looking!