I had an idea to find a hat with a nice crown shape,bigger than my hat-size and use the inside of the hat as a mold to make my block.I've been searching for a long time to find the right hat.
Then,I found an old Homburg hat at a bargain price( smaller than my size) but has a crown-shape that is the EXACT size and dimensions of the block that I am looking for..if you imagine the Crown of this hat being a block-this is exactly what I'm looking for for my block!
Is it possible to make a mold of the outside of this hat?,has anyone here done this?,if so what materials do I need to make the mold and what do I make the block from?,what should I use to seal the hat felt?
I have had experince of using Alginate and dental stone(my thoughts for block-material?),but would be willing to try other materials reccomended(my wood-working skills are not up to making a wooden block).
Basically,I would love to have an exact-copy of the crown of this hat to use as a hard-block,any thoughts/advice? appreciated!

Here's the hat..