Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

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Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Raider S »

It's the jacket I've been wanting: a Nowak Raiders in dark goat. Tony said this leather has been in his shop for a number of years. He had enough for two jackets and I can only begin to describe how much character it has. The color is perfectly what I thought it should be, lots of variation, fantastic texture and an extravagant feel to it. These jackets are all unique and I don't think this one's an exception.

I did ask for a couple things. Mostly I wanted it as durable as possible, something I could travel with and not something to sit in a closet or simply be looked at. Tony has exceeded expectations and I'm thrilled. I went with facing per Tony's suggestion (and I wouldn't do it any other way) and he even got me a big, heavy duty nickel zipper. Sweet! Inside I wanted something slightly different. I don't much care for embroidery or quotes but thought about adding a flag where the logo usually is. It reminds me of blood chits from flying jackets plus there's a personal reason related to what I do abroad. It came out nicely understated. Perfecto. But Tony's logo is there and so is the normal embroidery (minus my name) - they're simply on the insides of the inner pockets. Cool! And yes, two inside pockets, one being a vertical map type.

I wanted a real-world, everyday tough as nails jacket and I feel I've gotten that in spades. It's a beast and makes the jacket I've been wearing seem like a bad dream. I'm thrilled and could ramble on and on. Tony said to beat it on the ground, wear it in the rain and abuse it. I may do that...




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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by coronado3 »

Wow, that is a great looking hide. Love it...
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by crismans »

Absolutely fantastic jacket! I love the leather that you and Han were fortunate enough to get. This is a jacket that you can travel with for years and have it become that old friend.

This one knocked it out of the park, imo.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Louisiana Jones »

Beauty of a jacket, Raider. I always like hearing from people who choose practical options over the less practical yet SA options. The goat looks awesome.. nice grain to it already. Best of luck with it..

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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Indiana G »

yowza!!! that hide looks terrific!!! i'm green with, where's that tax refund now??? :shock:
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Tibor »

Beauuutiful. That is such a nice blend of texture, color and drape. Perfect. Tony is cleaning out his leather reserves. Honestly, the worse thing about it is we have these limited editions floating around that are so exceptional that you want to order one, but there's no more of that hide available. Makes them all the more special. Thanks for sharing pics. Sometime we'll need to get all these Nowak's together. Maybe we could make a list by number with a single pic of each.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by RCSignals »

It's a thing of beauty. I want to see it after you've worn it for a while, it should be even better.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by TheExit148 »

Very nice jacket. Looks great. You have any pictures wearing it to show the fit?
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Mac »

Congratulations! You and Han scored a terrific hide. You can’t go wrong with goat and that texture looks fantastic. I love the subdued flag and embroidery, very nice.

Now let’s see some photos wearing it.

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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by PLATON »

Nice leather, looks more SA than his "croco" version.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by SpeedRcrX »

Congratulations on a very fine jacket !!! :clap:
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by whipcracker »

Now that's the jacket I want! That is one heck of a jacket you have there treasure it lovingly bt being dragged under a truck, it looks like it it just waiting around for one. I wonder if Tony can get similiar goat hides?

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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by agent5 »

I'm loving it. One of the nicest Nowak jackets I've seen to date. Just do me one favor, please. Don't beat it on the ground. :D
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Hey, if my TN-1 lamb can take it, I'm sure the goat can handle it! :lol:
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by agent5 »

But...why attempt it? :-k
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

When Tony handed me my jacket in person, he told me not to baby it. He took off his own lamb TN-1 and threw it against the parking lot once or twice to prove the point. I couldn't see any marks or tears on his jacket, so to get over the fear of babying my jacket, I took off mine and did the same thing. If you can show me where it harmed my jacket, I'll give you a hundred bucks, because I certainly couldn't find any evidence of it. There were certainly no rips or tears, and I wasn't ginger in hurling the jacket, either. (My jacket is also lightly pre-distressed by Tony so if there was anything, it blended in.) Now, I don't purposely go outside just to sling my jacket against pavement on a regular basis, nor am I saying everyone should go out and do the same, but after that, I got over my fear of wearing the jacket as I would any other. Besides, what's the difference in attitude by distressing a jacket more naturally as opposed to taking sandpaper, alcohol, acetone, pocket knives, and other abrasives to a jacket as countless here are want to do? ;)
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Imahomer »

Man, I'm loving it. I've been toying with the idea of driving down to his shop and ordering my own jacket and this might have pushed me over the top. What did you have embroidered in it and where exactly is that?
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Raider S »

Thanks for the response but all I did was read my credit card number over the phone, Nowak and company know their stuff.

No, I won't abuse it deliberately but do want to wear it long and hard. It's a leather jacket and that's what it's for, in my opinion. And, that's the reason I went with Nowak; if you want durable and some measure of SA your choices are limited. We'll see how it does.

This is the "one" jacket for me at this point and I don't want to keep worrying about the next "better". You know, "set it and forget it". In my mind color is a big SA factor so that's why I'm thrilled with this. The added texture and character is simply a bonus.

For those wondering if Tony will have something similar, my guess is Tony and crew have LOTS of cool stuff to blow people away: a jacket from each film, leather none of us has yet seen, and each unique. It will be a golden time for anyone wanting killer Indy jackets; if we can still even afford a loaf of bread over the coming months.

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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Hatch »

Hurry, and get that great TN off the floor before A5 sees how you've abused it ..... :) :)
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Imahomer »

I always hear that he does great work over the phone, but I also hear horror stories on guys getting the wrong sizes from other vendors. My son lives in the general area of the store, so I was just thinking of easing my mind and eliminating the phone calls and visiting the store and my son in one trip.
Last edited by Imahomer on Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Kevin Anderson »

Good lord, if you live even remotely close, why would you do anything else?
I would drive 10 hours or more to see and meet Tony, and to order a jacket with a perfect fit.
Pity those of us in other parts of the world with vendors not so close! :(
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by DVD Connoisseur »

_ wrote:Agreed - a well made jacket won't flinch. If you have to worry, you bought the wrong jacket.
I've found this out the hard way with one of my recent Indy jacket purchases! I wore it a handful of times to the gym and the (washed lamb) leather went. :cry:

This is one beautiful jacket, Raider S!
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Holt »

you work out in a leather jacket?
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Baldwyn »

DVD Connoisseur wrote:
_ wrote:Agreed - a well made jacket won't flinch. If you have to worry, you bought the wrong jacket.
I've found this out the hard way with one of my recent Indy jacket purchases! I wore it a handful of times to the gym and the (washed lamb) leather went. :cry:

This is one beautiful jacket, Raider S!
And what do you mean that the leather went. The leather went how??
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by DVD Connoisseur »

Indiana Holt wrote:you work out in a leather jacket?

No, I wear it to and from the gym, in my car....

The leather went where the seam was, near a pocket. Just ripped clean away where the threads were. It's being repaired at the mo'. The pocket where the leather went holds my plastic entry card, nothing more. I swear, the washed lamb is the most fragile hide I've ever encountered. I'm very careful with my jackets and they're rarely worn as I have quite a few so it takes me ages to circulate them.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Holt »

ok. pheew.

I just had a mentale picture.

you in tights, a sweatband and a Indy jacket with bunched up sleeevs doing arm curls.

yeah baby!

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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by DVD Connoisseur »

Indiana Holt wrote:I just had a mentale picture.

you in tights, a sweatband and a Indy jacket with bunched up sleeevs doing arm curls.
Trust me, that wouldn't be a pretty picture. I only ever dress like that on a full moon.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Treadwell »

I love that texture. Beautiful jacket!
Raider S wrote:These jackets are all unique and I don't think this one's an exception.
Thinking too long about that statement is not recommended for the logical minded. :lol
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Rundquist »

DVD Connoisseur wrote:
Indiana Holt wrote:you work out in a leather jacket?

No, I wear it to and from the gym, in my car....

The leather went where the seam was, near a pocket. Just ripped clean away where the threads were. It's being repaired at the mo'. The pocket where the leather went holds my plastic entry card, nothing more. I swear, the washed lamb is the most fragile hide I've ever encountered. I'm very careful with my jackets and they're rarely worn as I have quite a few so it takes me ages to circulate them.

Absolutely the fragility of the hide had something to do with your torn at the seam jacket. However the stitching also had a lot to do with it. If you don’t use the right thread or the stitches aren’t spaced properly, the thread can pull right through the leather, and not just on lambskin. The stitching is half the jacket. Most people around here don’t give the stitching due consideration when they purchase a jacket.

ps - Great Nowak. If I didn't already have two awesome goatskin G&B expos., I would really consider one.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Mike »

_ wrote:Here's the head personal trainer at the "Leather Only" fitness center...

oh…I think I just threw up a little.

Though that is incentive for me to keep going to the gym.

…back on track. Nice looking #003. Congrats.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Raider S »

G&B was the other choice. I only wish they offered a bit of customization but understand why they avoid it.

I've been wearing the new jacket since the thing arrived and while Tony said it would look great after a rainstorm, all our rain is coming down frozen so I took a brief trip under the shower. It's forming nice and I simply love the sleeves. Was also worried about the lining (the cotton USW used on my cowhide ruined a spectacular jacket) but this Nowak stuff is tops.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by IndyFalco »

Raider S,
That's a smok'in jacket you've got there !!!
Geeez, a couple months ago we were boasting it up for Wested's Washed Goat.

and now...

...this hobby just keeps expanding it's borders \:D/

That hide is amazing !!!
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Browncoat »

Great jacket!! Congrats...
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by agent5 »

You all can say whateeeeeeeever you want to try to make sense of thrashing your jacket against the ground but it will never make sense to me. I may have acetoned my jackets and lightly taken a fine grit sandpaper to them but I don't think thats a fair comparrison and stop at slapping it onto concrete nomatter who says it can take it. I don't even use my bull whips on concrete and thats some strong leather right there.

I just have this picture in my head of Tony and a bunch of you outside the QM slapping your jackets on the ground. Can you imagine what passerby's would think? Yes...they'd think you're a bit loco.

"Hey, I just paid $1000 for this jacket. I think I'll bash it on the concrete! Awesome idea!" :rolling:

Doesn't sound, well...sound.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Michaelson »

Oh, I don't know. Seems like pretty savy marketing to me. The sooner you wear them out, the sooner you might order another one. :-k ;)

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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by agent5 »

I never thought of it that way. It is pretty ingenious then, isn't it? :D Gotta give Tony more credit once again. :tup:

"He, he, he...Indygear suckers..." 8)
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Raider S »

The actual act of beating a jacket on the ground is a rather silly notion albeit fine salesmanship. But I certainly won't baby a jacket no matter how much the cost. Maybe it's fairer when Tony describes it as "worry free".

Nothing won't break, however. If you've used body armor it's made to stop a bullet - high velocity bullets depending on the protection level - but you need to treat the Kevlar and trauma plates with respect - they aren't indestructible in themselves.

I’m not into distressing and unfortunately there’s no good way to have a much-worn ten-year-old jacket without wearing it for ten years. Well, maybe you could do eight years then lie about the other two!
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Rundquist »

Goatskin can take it for sure. I really would never ever give a goatskin jacket a second thought when roughhousing. Lambskin on the other hand is just too delicate to treat poorly. It gets the lived in look quickly and easily just by wearing it.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by RCSignals »

agent5 wrote:I never thought of it that way. It is pretty ingenious then, isn't it? :D Gotta give Tony more credit once again. :tup:

"He, he, he...Indygear suckers..." 8)
You are joking I'm sure.

It isn't Tony's point to purposely 'trash' or 'thrash' one his jackets. His point is to not baby it and not be afraid to wear and use it. He makes them for real world use wear and tear, not just to be a delicate item of fashion.
He may have hit his own jacket on the ground, but it's not a clever marketing ploy. Remember he did it with B(r)ink after the jacket was purchased not before.

Anyone who has one of his jackets and has talked to him can confirm that about what Tony means.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Baldwyn »

IndyFalco wrote:Raider S,
That's a smok'in jacket you've got there !!!
Geeez, a couple months ago we were boasting it up for Wested's Washed Goat.

and now...

...this hobby just keeps expanding it's borders \:D/

That hide is amazing !!!
Just for the record, DVDC's jacket was washed lamb, not goat!!
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Michaelson »

RCSignals wrote:You are joking I'm sure.
I know I was. That's why I added the winking smilie at the end of my post.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by PSBIndy »

Just curious, what's the main difference between this goat and the "regular" goat Tony uses?
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by PSBIndy »

_ wrote:Here's the head personal trainer at the "Leather Only" fitness center...


So, this was the guy that gave birth to the octuplets, right?! :lol:
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Raider S »

PSBIndy wrote:Just curious, what's the main difference between this goat and the "regular" goat Tony uses?
It's something he's had for about 15 years and there was enough for two jackets. It's darker than the goat he's used on previous Raiders jackets and had a bit more texture. I don't know what the tanning process was, but my photos don't do justice to the character and true color. His other goat, speaking color only, are more of a definite brown and favor the reddish tones more.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Imahomer »

Well, I'm loving this jacket. Thinking about selling and getting what I can for my Gibson & Barnes and then motoring down south to see Tony.

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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Canada Jones »

This really is a gorgeous jacket and I love the flag patch. It is also great to have Tony's tag on that jacket as well. I love how accomodating he is. And yes, I agree with others who have said this - this is one of the finest looking Nowak jackets I have seen to date.

By the way - how did you find out about this hide?
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by CM »

Imahomer wrote:Well, I'm loving this jacket. Thinking about selling and getting what I can for my Gibson & Barnes and then motoring down south to see Tony.


I made the choice to keep my goat G&B because from what I've read and can see here, the TN's are almost the same as the G&B.
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by Dutch_jones »

CM wrote:
Imahomer wrote:Well, I'm loving this jacket. Thinking about selling and getting what I can for my Gibson & Barnes and then motoring down south to see Tony.


I made the choice to keep my goat G&B because from what I've read and can see here, the TN's are almost the same as the G&B.
Yeah exactly even they way the pocketflaps are constructed!
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Re: Nowak Raiders #003 in special dark goat. A Beast!

Post by crismans »

That would be a very hard choice for me. I love my Nowaks (CS and shrunken lamb) but I really love my G and B as well. In fact, I'm all about jacket love. :[
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