In the pictures below you will see from left to right:
- LC Wested in horsehide - custom, but I took the OTR sizes, only customizing the inside pockets
- Raiders in shrunken lamb - custom, but I took the OTR sizes again, only customizing the inside pockets
- ToD - OTR in lambskin
- Raider - OTR in goatskin
First of all, regarding the size. I ordered all in size 46, but the best fitting jacket is the Tod. I absolutely love the fit, seems like a custom tailored jacket, but my hands will not really fit in the hand-warmer pockets. The other jackets are ok-ish, but all feel slightly too large, the sleeves a bit too long. This is due to choosing OTR measurements, definitely.
Secondly, in regards to the hides:
The horsehide is thick and heavy. It is very stiff and I cannot imagine it will ever distress or soften naturally. It is also my least worn jacket as it is uncomfortable, and a bit hard to put on/take off. The very stiff hide also easily breaks the threads. If you want to be safe when being dragged behind a truck, though... this IS the hide for you. In case you get too warm, you do NOT want to carry it in your hand... it's like a small dumbbell.
The shrunken lambskin is very soft and pliable. I would say it feels like touching velvet and it is the least shiny of all the jackets. In the beginning it was REALLY easy to rip the leather. Not the thread, but the leather itself ripped in some places. I have treated it with Pecard's a couple of times and have had no issues since. So I am putting the frailness up to the leather being dry. Also though the leather is thinner, it still has some weight and it will make you sweat.
The (ToD) lambskin is very light, VERY shinny and has held up quite well, seems quite resilient. It is the lightest leather I have and can almost wear it in warm weather too. I usually take it with me when going for walks around the months of May-June, as I can carry it in my hand without getting tired after 5-6 km, in case it is too warm for it still.
The goatskin... what can I say about it? This is the classic jacket leather... this is what I imagine when I think of a leather jacket. It is medium weight, thick enough for slightly cooler weather, but also won't break your arm if you need to carry it.
Lastly here are the pics, so you can judge for yourself:

And I think the pic below shows the 'real' colour as close as possible:

Hope you find something useful in my post!
