I was on the fence about Herbert Johnson vs. AdVintage and I spent 5 hours reading threads here and looking at photos. When the dust settled, I stepped away from HJ only for the reason that AdVintage is proving so 100% exacting in the very look I've hunted for my whole life. I will happily look into HJ for my grey clipper fedora down the road a piece. But for SOC, I placed my order for a MASTERPIECE AdVintage with Thomas today - and he has exchanged e-mails with me about the commission so I'm very excited. I'm going for a detail-accurate fedora, but without the stains or dirt marks. I have asked that the felt surface match the Raiders hat, as Thomas makes that an option. So it's a Hero SOC, without dirt and stains, but all other imperfections. Maybe I'll finally have that wild adventurer's fedora that can be slapped on with the ease of a lunatic's bonnet... we shall see!