Full disclosure... I am agonizing over my measurements for sleeve length and back length.
I plan to wear with full gear, but also in daily life.
I love the idea of the crinkled sleeves, and want extra length to hopefully achieve that. But how long is too long?
Do I measure to the thumb knuckle or finger knuckle?
I compiled some shots that I think best show back and sleeves. I'm aware they are not all the same jacket, but it is interesting to see the amount of crinkle and the lower extremes to where the cuff falls on Ford's hand.
I keep going back and forth on back length and sleeve length, and I'm not sure how to resolve it, but if these pictures spur on any discussion, then it was worth a few minutes to compile them.

I'm not sure how these pics of the back help, if at all. Odd how in both the Imam shots, the jacket appears "boxy" in back, compared to the left 2 jungle shots.

Pic on left in the temple seems to be the lowest the cuff falls, and you still get that crinkle. I would be overjoyed to achieve this look.

First idol snatch pic shows cuff very low. Then Ford literally snaps his right arm to raise the cuff as he brings his hand up to his face.
First Raven Bar shot shows how cuff moves up with action. Second Raven Bar shot shows a nice long cuff. Raven bar shot on far right shows great crinkling, but still a long cuff.
If anyone wants these bigger, let me know.
If anyone wants to offer more sleeve or back measuring advice, let me know. I'm feeling like I need to just "take out the Arab swordsman and move on."