While there are hundreds of fedora topics on this forum, I haven't been able to find a topic devoted to Indy's scouting lid. Or at least, not a topic with pictures.
So let's see 'em: post a pic or three of your Montana peak, lemon-squeezer, Smokey the Bear, forest ranger, state police, Boy Scout, RCMP, doughboy bashed hats. Oh, but not just a photo of the hat; do, please, include photos of yourself proudly wearing your Fred MacMurray in Follow Me, Boys or Clifton Webb in Mister Scoutmaster or Nelson Eddy in Rose Marie or Roy Chapman Andrews exploring Mongolia hat. Because almost anybody can look cool wearing a fedora. But the truly cool kids are the ones who can pull off the Montana peak style. Like teen Indy.
And let us know what kind of hat we're looking at -- you know, hat-geek details.
(As for me... I only wish I could look a fraction as cool, or as haughty, as Clifton Webb in Mister Scoutmaster. I'll have to settle for an over-the-hill Roy Chapman Andrews wannabe impersonation... but as they say, put up or shut up, so I'll put up... and then I'll shut up.)

Akubra Slouch Hat (Military), size 61, purchased pre-owned, brim clip removed, brim ironed flat, puggaree band from Lawrance Ordnance, lemon-squeezer/Montana peak bash

Somewhere in Utah...

The Gobi Desert, circa 1930... or Losee Canyon, Garfield County, Utah, yesterday afternoon

Jacket and shirt are Willis & Geiger, MK VII bag is a Magnoli with a Todd's strap, boots are Thorogood #804-4254 lineman boots,
eyeglasses are Focusers Eyewear Signature Round frame. Trousers are some trendy brand name
cargo pants I picked up at a thrift store.

Okay, follow me, boys! It's your turn!