I shaved my head a couple of months ago so now I really need a hat!
I have a big noggin. 62cm round. I am also on the bigger side, 188cm (6'2'') and 240lbs.107kg, so I think I can handle a big hat, no taper like the "stovepipe" Raiders hat.
The FedIV seems a fine choice. The bunny FedIV can be at my door for $134 shipping included. That is about the same as the top People wearing it look great!
Or should I upgrade to the FedIV Delux? However .... the Advintage bunny Harrison can be at my door for $164-same price. Is the $30 worth the price difference for either? May be worth it so one does not have to tear one's hair out -which one no longer has- trying to do a good bash. Is the Advintage Harrison the smarter buy?
Now we're rolling. The Advintage Harrison beaver bunny mix can be at my door for $197. Another $30. Worth it?
But now we are getting into custom territory. An Explorador from Steele and Jones can be at my doorstep for $250. This will be a custom hat. I may be better off going that route. But then there is Northwest hats where the custom Cairo bunny retails for "only" $250, throw in $20 for the S/H and one is still under $300. .. and one would be supporting a lone craftsman plying his dying trade ....
Leaning towards going for a bunny FedIV as a trial, see if I am actually going to wear a hat full time, or going the whole hog with a Northwest hat .... but leaving room to consider an Advintage Harrison. i did notice that the Advintage maxes out at 62cm and I am right there, maybe a little over at 62.25cm ....
To recap: Bunny FedIV vs Advintage Harrison bunny? Worth the extra $30?
Go custom with Steele and Jones or Northwest? Worth the extra $80-100 (110-130 from the FedIV, that's an extra FedIV....)?
I appreciate replies!