I can't believe how quiet this forum has become - so I thought I'd post a few memories of my time as a whipmaker. Some of the newer folks may not remember, but for several years I offered my own Indy style bullwhips under the name Pageywhips. I initially got into the craft by buying Ron Edwards' book "How to make whips" - mostly because I wanted to be able to carry out repairs on the two bullwhips I had bought. Soon I was experimenting with making a complete whip, alongside a friend of mine (eaglecrow on COW). OF course, I soon had the bug and was reading up on everything I could - contacting other whipmakers, buying as many whips as I could afford and working on whip after whip. I recieved especially good advice from Joe Strain and Adam Winrich and eventually got in touch with David Morgan who very graciously chatted at length with me on the telephone several times.
Making whips was a great experience and many folks here purchased some - for which I'm very thankful. I hope they're still getting regular use!
I was digging through some of my old photos and thogh it'd be fun to share some.
These are production pics -

This is a finished 2nd belly in saddle tan next to a 10ft Morgan from the 1990s

Here are some braided bellies haning up with cut out overlays and my own 8ft in saddle tan

Skiving the corners of the strands

Some wristloops and whitehide falls

A 12strand overylay - the pattern has transitioned from checkerboard to herringbone

Braiding the overlay
http://i66.tinypic.com/35b8snb.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
A brand new finished whip

An older 10ft