So, in order to finish my Indy costume the only thing I still missed was the boots. Aldens and even other boots such as Jcrew or Wolverines are extremely expensive, especially for a college student such as myself. Those boots cost as much as I earn each month and even though I love Indy, food and warm water has to take priority (silly, I know).
So I set out to find a pair of super cheap, close-enough boots that I could modify to look even better - and I think I found them.
I bought a pair of Ikon boots off Amazon as the overall shaped seemed right, they had a pretty good color for a pair of raiders boots and the stitches seem to be in the right place.
I got an awl, a needle and some thread and started sewing the stiches on the toes an the boots were missing those. After that I got some sandpaper and a hobbyknife and went beserk.
As a result I got myself a pair of close-enough Indy boots for a total of 40 dollars. Now I just have to wear them until they're good and worn. Overall, I'm pretty happy about them - but they are NOT comfortable!

Boots right out of the box:" onclick=";return false;
Modified Boots:" onclick=";return false;
Just wanted to share,
good day to all of you