Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
I've read in an Archaology Journal (at University) that a group of British Archaeologists were banned from their dig-site in Egypt for a whole year after they published an important found first in Great Britain instead of Egypt. A whole year!Neolithic wrote:He's legislated that anyone digging in Egypt must catalogue and publish their work through Egyptian avenues while also instructing them to preserve their dig sites.
FYI fedoraman, Indy's not shady, he's the typical archaeologist of his period. It's like saying Babe Ruth wasn't a great batter just because modern batters have outdone him. :junior: -IJWho wouldn't? Like it or not our hero was a shady character
I wore my Beaver Adventurebilt in the Puerto Rican rain forest and I was fine. It seemed to provide shade. But, then as temperatures climbed in the early afternoon and we were travelling uphill, steep uphill, I started to get very hot and I dipped my head in the La Mina River a few times to cool down. When I got back to Old San Juan, I bought a Panama.Michaelson wrote:I can't figure out how he can stand to wear a wool hat in that heat! Heck, I have to put my beaver felts away when it gets warm, as they about cook my head anymore. I wear my light weight vintage Borsalino to survive the summer heat here in Tennessee. I can't IMAGINE wool! I sure can tell I've experienced a physical change, as I used to wear fur felts year round! It's an effort for me now!Regards! Michaelson
Grrr...well that does it. I refuse to watch any programmes with him in now. :evil:Michaelson wrote:As to his hat....I also remember when Hawas' first appeared in a Fox special, he categorically stated his disgust at the Indiana Jones brand of archaeology, and even mentioned him as that 'fedora wearing grave robber'
Don't be too hard on old Hawass there Canyon.Canyon wrote:Grrr...well that does it. I refuse to watch any programmes with him in now. :evil:
Did he actually use those words? btw, I ask because I honestly do not know....jpenman wrote:This is what I love about the world you guy's are getting more upset about his hat and comments on Indy that the comments " those horrible little jews." I already don't like the guy or respect him.
In Indy's defense, I must say that I never saw him shoot anyone that he didn't have to. The only time he stole a horse or car he really needed to. But lets not turn this into a character study.Nicht Storen wrote:Indy is a shady character. He may have been doing only what archaeologists of his period have done. But I think he killed a few people too, stole a few horses, a car etc. He is shady. That's why we like him 'cause he gets away with the things we wish we could.
Yeah, I tried to tell my Global History teacher that, but she didn't believe me.Hemingway Jones wrote:It is a fact that skilled labor built the pyramids and not slave labor as was previously thought. This only means that "Ben-Hur" was wrong, not the Bible.
Exactly, nothing anti-semitic about that. Besides, the world has enough anti-semitism to worry about without getting on Hawass' back for it. :junior: -IJHis point was that the archaeological evidence found at and around Giza seems to contradict some of the claims made by Jewish mythology... I don't see anything anti-Semitical about that...
It's more on the subject of "Fact" VS. "Truth"
and as we should all know... Archaeology is the search for FACT...
I suggested this before Dano and I was quickly shouted down by his detractors.DanoSaurus wrote:I work for the company that provides broadcast services for the National Geographic Channel and last night we aired a new show on Geo about King Tuts "final secrets". Pretty decent show where they catscan the mummy and sculpt a recreation. Neat. Anyway, there was good ole Zahi wearing that dog-ugly $30 wool crushable outback hat.
Seriously guys, Zahi needs a new lid...if we all chip in like $5 or $10 maybe we could get him a Federation or maybe even a rabbit Adventurebilt. How can we find out his hat size? I'm guessing big like mine 7 1/2 or 7 5/8.