Of the four jackets, the ToD has the most interesting past and remains a bit of a mystery. There are some lingering questions about how the ToD came to be and who made the jacket as seen in film..? What is funny about all this...or not so funny, is how stinkin' complicated this became just out of the gate....to make a jacket....
So after Raiders, did GL, SS and co. decided not to sign another exclusive contract with B&N, who had outsourced or sub-contracted the work out to others around London and go a different route? Why was the exclusive B&N not satisfactory to them, too complicated, too expensive, not enough creative control..?
I'm not understanding how the supposed Cooper could "buy" the rights to make the jackets? Instead of an 'exclusive' contract to make all the wardrobe, apparently they (LFL) would bid it out, or independently look for others, through Powell, who could make them. I guess that part was a little fuzzy, this whole "licensing" idea, or buying the rights to make the jacket, or that LFL had tried to retain exclusive ownership of the Indy jacket, and its subsequent iterations, if there was to be other films?
The whole supposed Cooper involvement and this French company is not making any sense? How did the French company get involved in the first place, through the product placement co. in LA?
How did Leather Concessionaires get bypassed for the second movie? The independent contract negotiations?
Here is what seems odd to me...? How could the supposed Cooper "buy" rights to make the 2nd jacket, if they did not make the first one? I am going to take a leap and say, let's put the Cooper claims on the shelf for now, since it has been called "hearsay and none of the claims could be substantiated" in relation to the Raiders jacket, based on the main site write up.
Some company definitely 'new' to the game, certainly made the ToD. You can tell by the way it is configured, the buckles, pleats, specs. and so forth, that someone else made it.
I remember some photos of KT wearing the jacket that was given to Noel Howard. Any thoughts and insight here, KT?
...was wondering if there was enough wardrobe left over from Raiders, pants, shirts, etc., to be used again? Jackets must have been destroyed, except for the 5?
"The situation regarding Raiders would not be repeated." What does this mean, specifically?
Just trying to unravel another one....comments?