We have a lot of neat points here. Maybe we're over thinking it, it is a fictional world afterall, but regardless, its fun to think about!

I kind of feel that his outfit from Temple of Doom was the same outfit from Raiders, but was a few years later and just was a lot more distressed. ie. His hat has a tighter pinch and looks MUCH more worn and dirty (which is probably why he now had a travel fedora). And maybe in the years since Raiders (from losing his gear on the bantu wind, or destroying his gear from Raiders in the years before LC), by the time LC happens, years have gone by and his old worn out hat has been replaced with a similar one in much better condition, and his old lamb dark Jacket has been replaced by a (speculated) tougher cow hide jacket in a different shade of brown. Also, I (if I remember correctly) Bernie Pollack sent last crusade images to Steve Delk to replicate the look of the pinch of the fedora in LC for "continuity). That would make me believe they were trying to say it was the same hat, or the same make of hat from LC, perhaps replaced again.
I honestly really like this explanation. It's simple, clean and just makes sense. Where he actually got his gear? I dont know, don't really care, but fedoras were common and safari shirts are easy to get, as well as officer pinks etc. My initial reason for starting this thread was I thought that his jacket should have a stitched up LEFT arm on his jacket in LC. Now it makes more sense that that his jacket was simply replaced. So I'm good with that
Thanks all for your input. Its been fun