Maybe, because we don't have a close enough jacket replica to study and use as starting point. Or perhaps because this is a very different jacket from the previous...I don't know.
Remember, NOT the final prototype or patterns.
We still need to tweak the collar and pockets, for a more screen accurate look.
However, it looks and fits nice.
When I have some time, I'll try to do a couple of pictures in full Indy gear, to show that we nailed the lenght and front/back proportions.
The distressing job (very distinctive on this style) was done BEFORE assembly. So, no thread was compromised.
The leather I used for this jacket was a very thick and heavy (but soft and pliabe), smooth Merino Sheepskin. IMO, the original leather of this jacket.
Unfortunately, this was the last skins we had, and we can't find more for a re-stock (we keep looking).
Our "Chocolate Premium Cowhide" will work great on this style. Perfect thickness, weight and softness for an LC jacket.
Please, tell me what do you think of it.