That said I have discovered a serious problem with the latest batch. I will note that I think the latest are his best color and cut so far, with only the buttons being too pearly. Now, I always have my shirts laundered. Just cleaned and pressed, no starch. I have had these laundered for many years, always in fact. I have never had a problem with any ones Indy shirt doing this until now. (see photo)
See the tips of the collar? This is not a burn as it seams, but is adhesive (glue) melting through during pressing. I had this happen with 2 linnen shirts years ago and I thought it was a burn so I changed cleaners. This happened to my new edition TODDS, so I bought another one.
This is the "other" one

The glue melts through during pressing. Me cleaners explained this detail. The sad part is I am about to have another shirt ruined that I dropped off the other day (before getting this one back). I won't buy any more until there is a new batch. If you own this shirt I strongly suggest that you DO NOT have it pressed!
It is still a wonderful shirt, just don't "press your luck"