Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Mike, Indydawg
His jacket posted here is Last Crusade, not Raiders, so the off the shoulder shouldn't be happening. Still I think the back across is a bit big on this jacket.Michaelson wrote:Ok, I have to ask....why are your shoulder seams about 3 inches below the end of your shoulders?![]()
If you look at photos of Ford, the reason his seams are below the ends of his shoulder is because the jacket has slid off his shoulders and away from his neck. When his jacket is zipped or pulled up, the seams are at or just below the shoulder where they belong, as seen in this photo.:
http://indygear.com/images/gear/jacket/ ... ket-hd.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Looking at your pics, your collar is where it's supposed to be without sliding off, and yet the seams are down below your shoulder down on your upper arms.
I'm just curious. It's all subjective, as I know folks can show Ford wearing his jacket with the seams that low, but it's after he's worn the jacket for a while and it's pretty well stretched out to make the seams go that low, so hopefully yours won't go any lower than they already are.
Very nice jacket.![]()
Regards! Michaelson
Laugh it up, big boy. You're going to be wearing bifocals someday.ChrisMD wrote:Uh oh, M is gonna have to go to Remedial Raiders Class!
Michaelson wrote:Laugh it up, big boy. You're going to be wearing bifocals someday.ChrisMD wrote:Uh oh, M is gonna have to go to Remedial Raiders Class!
Skyhawker, no, just wear it. You just got it, and leather 'rides up with wear'....seriously, as cliché as that is, it really does. It may settle in on your body better than we're giving it credit for.
NEVER EVER judge a leather jacket right out of the box. Give it a little time and wear before making a decision.
Regards! Michaelson
Coat of Pecard's will darken it up if that is what you are goin forskyhawker wrote:HI Colin, the Last Crusade jacket was always lighter than the jacket in the 1st 2 films. They were going for a chocolate colour. Maybe my shrunken lamb is a tad lighter than ideal. I will be adding a bit more weathering to emphasise the seams
Interestingfateoftheduck wrote:The upper back of my Wested LC/CS is outsized, I think. Is it a feature of their version of the jacket? If I had it over, I would order a size down from my normal to try and account for it....