Mr Penman said that Penman hats and AB hats are the only Indy fedoras out there who have the "only true" Indy ribbon. In my mind there can not be just one true Indy ribbon. We know that there were severall hats in the movies. Not only the felt changed between Raiders, ToD and LC. Mr Penman says he's getting the ribbon from the "man" who made ribbon for HJ when Raiders was filmed. Even if this was true, there is no evidence that this ribbon was used on the hats seen in Raiders. I also have doubts that HJ had just one supplier for ribbon in those days, especially in such a long period of time (Raiders to LC). That is why I dislike the words "only true" in this matter. Especially when it comes from a vendor who doesn't want or can't prove such a claim. Again, I do not accuse somebody of lying. Since there is no evidence, it's a question of belief and everybody is free to believe anything. I just would not constitute my belief as the only true belief.
I have made comparison shots of the ribbon Mr Penman uses (left) and of the ribbon that HJ uses on their poets nowadays (right):

Except from a very, very small difference in the color hue, I can't see any difference, even in the structure:

I think the only true Indy ribbon was on every single Indy hat that was used in the movies. Everything else is a replication. Some kind of ribbon maybe better than other, I don't know. Then we should talk about features (material, color, structure, size) and why "this" feature is better than the other.
Thanks for reading!