After my first authentic Indy bullwhip, I quickly became intrigued with the Classic model. The intricate, finely braided lash seduced me with its sleek form and the promise of the beautifully lethal song it would whisper through the air. My fascination grew into obsession as I longed for this leather masterpiece. If it had been any other kind of whip, I wouldn’t have cared less: an Australian bullwhip, a blacksnake, a stockwhip, whatever. But the fact that it was specifically (and very obviously) a variation of the Indy bullwhip meant I simply had to own it. Unfortunately, David’s prices reflected his legendary status, and this particular whip was simply unattainable regardless of how badly I desired it. Yet it remained my Holy Grail, eternally glowing on the flame-lit altar of some ancient cavern in the desert long after it vanished from David’s catalog after a brief period of availability.
And so I moved on, content with my David Morgan as I dutifully collected the rest of my Indy gear over the years. But the Classic Bullwhip floated restlessly in the depths of my psyche like a mirage, teasing me from the distant past. Time and again, it would spring to the forefront of my mind whenever an ‘ultimate bullwhip’ discussion broke out at Club Obi Wan:
I’ve always lamented The One that Got Away. Everyone here can identify with this. All of us are sorrowed by an unrealized item of Indy gear, or a prized relic that slipped through their grasp due to fate or circumstances. Well dreams really can come true. Today I am tremendously pleased to announce that my 15-year quest has finally ended. At long last I can unequivocally say that I now possess my Ultimate whip.The Ultimate Indy Whip
If money was no object, what would your perfect whip be? What kind of hide? How about plaiting?
8-foot David Morgan 16-plait Classic Bullwhip with 4-inch handle (like my DM custom).
What are your dream whips?
David Morgan 16-strand Classic Bullwhip, 8-ft (cost $800 back in the day; I would practically kill to own one of these now!)
Whipmaking prodigy Jeremy McEachern has sculpted a dream in leather: a glass-smooth 16-strand bullwhip that flows through the air like a liquid razor. The immaculately plaited lash is braided with supreme skill and keen attention to detail. Following the design of Morgan’s Classic bullwhip, the overlay begins with an intricately laced 8-seam parquet pattern that neatly blends into the traditional herringbone style, sheathing the elegantly-tapered thong down to a robust 8-strand point. The narrow, precisely-beveled kangaroo strands lattice together tightly with machine-like perfection for optimal aerodynamic flow. The J.M. bullwhip faithfully captures the distinctive silhouette of Morgan’s traditional Indiana Jones whip, from the bulbous mahogany heel knot to the braided nylon cracker. But taken in hand, it’s a whole different animal.
Comparatively speaking, if the 12-plait Indy is a finely-tuned Volkswagen, then Jeremy’s 16-plait version is a sleek Mercedes, precision-engineered for superior performance. This whip is tight and responsive, with a comfortably solid heft that practically radiates the kinetic power waiting to be unleashed within those rigid leather coils. A simultaneous trial proved that the J.M. bullwhip is marginally heavier than the David Morgan equivalent. The DM rolls out smooth and springy, producing a satisfyingly sharp crack, while the J.M. hurtles forward like a parabolic arrow, emitting a vicious snarl before delivering a resonating supersonic thunderclap. The dynamic action can be attributed to its compact, densely layered body of drum-stuffed kangaroo, generously packed with plaiting grease. When drawn back for another throw, the well-balanced lash returns with a substantial hiss, eager to strike again. Bottom line: this whip handles like a dream.
While David Morgan, the man who single-handedly reinvigorated the industry, is all but legend, Jeremy McEachern is making whip history right now. After seeing the scope of talent displayed on his website, I was confident that Jeremy could make my all-time dream whip, but I’m still in awe at seeing it turned into a reality. This is virtually the exact bullwhip I’ve always wanted. It couldn’t be more perfect. Every one of his whips is a work of art, but this one is an aesthetic masterpiece. In addition to being a gifted craftsman with quality of exceptionally high caliber, Jeremy’s customer service skills are unparalleled. He welcomed my collaboration in the design process, patiently fielding my requests and making suggestions with an expert’s attention to detail. This is easily the most pleasant customer experience I’ve ever had in purchasing a whip.
I’ve been throwing leather for almost 20 years, so I am fairly qualified to say that this is, in my opinion, the absolute pinnacle of whipmaking. Jeremy McEachern has definitely established a reputation as a true professional in the field. For top-quality, professionally-made whips, J.M. delivers!

Now, share the moment of glory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDbrwmbLY7o
Here is Jeremy's video showing the Classic bullwhip in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yrhcm7Ge3w
P.S. - Thanks to Tibor for the DM catalog scans!

Hi-res image: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5340/9638 ... b5b5_o.jpg

Hi-res image: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5548/9641 ... 377b_o.jpg

Hi-res image: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2829/9641 ... e2d1_o.jpg

Hi-res image: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3741/9642 ... ed12_o.jpg

Hi-res image: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2831/9638 ... aea1_o.jpg
The complete set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9911326@N0 ... 316646797/