Here is my frame by frame analysis of the Raven Bar scene that was also posted previously in these two threads:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=37045" onclick=";return false;
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24573" onclick=";return false;
30:48 Indy uses whip to snatch hot poker from Marions face
30:50 Indy with Smith in left hand says "let her go"
30:54 Smith (Shot 1) using left hand
30:55 - 30:57 three other scenes
30:58 Smith (Shot 2) using left hand then heads towards doorway
30:59 Smith (Shot 3) swithes gun to right hand and enters doorway
31:00 Villain with machine gun
31:01 Smith in doorway ready to shoot
31:02 Villain with machine gun again
*31:02 quick one shot using HP
*31:03 Smith (shot 4 & 5) looking over Indy's shoulder
31:04 Smith (shot 6,7 & 8 ) Indy in doorway
*31:05 Indy fires 2 shots with Unknown Gun, we are looking over Villains shoulder with Indy shooting towards us
31:06 wideshot of bar
31:07 Villain dumps table
31:08 close-up of Headpiece
31:10 Villain tosses rifle
31:11 wideshot of bar
31:12 villain shoots rifle
31:13 Indy is in doorway with Smith, his left hand grabs his jacket as he looks down to put the Smith into the holster
31:14 - 31:18 A few other scenes
31:19 Indy swings his body and arms from right to left with his HP now in hand
After this Indy now only uses the HP.
Upon analysis it seems that the discrepency in the magic switching guns comes at 31:02. We also have a discrepency at 31:03 and 31:04 because with these 2 scenes we have a total of 8 shots being fired with the Smith. The scene at 31:05 is also problamatic as it would add 2 more possible shots for the Smith thus totalling 10 shots with a 6 shot revolver! The scene at 31:05 also seems out of place as he is shooting at the wrong Villain.
To correct the discrepencies all that needs to be done is to remove the three scenes I have marked with an * This would leave us a total of six shots with the Smith. It gets rid of the magically appearing HP. And it removes the out of place scene with 2 shots fired from an unknown gun.
If we made the above corrections everything works out correctly It now looks like the scenes from 31:13 to 31:19 show that Indy realizes he is out of ammo with his Smith after firing 6 shots, so he holsters the Smith and draws the HP from his pants to continue the gunfight. This is probably what was supposed to happen.
Indy's MK VII bag is never seen anywhere on him during the entire Bar scene, so he could not have gotten the HP from his bag. Also I don't think he drew it from a shoulder holster as his movements seem to suggest holstering the Smith and then drawing the HP from his pants. There is also one frame at 31:13 where it looks like you can see the HP stuck in his pants. He also could not have gotten it from Marion as she was seperated from him by the bar and a couple of villains.
Another few interesting observations:
At 31:28 we see Indy use the HP to shoot the man who is on fire. This is the exact same angle shot as the magically appearing HP scene at 31:02. That 31:02 HP scene was obviously not intended to be there as it was part of the man on fire sequence.
At 31:42 Indy reloads the HP with a new magazine after only firing 5 shots. At 32:23 he shoots the HP 4 more times. The HP is only shot a total of 9 times.
At 32:44 We see that Indy is now struggling with a villain who has taken the HP away from Indy. At 32:48 Indy forces the villains hand that is holding the HP over a fire and the villain drops the HP into the fire! After that we never see Indy retrieve the HP and it seems that he leaves the HP behind when he leaves with Marion!
How does he end up with the HP again on the Bantu Wind?! They really should have shown Indy with the Smith rather than the HP when he's on the Bantu Wind. Especially since he never fires it while on the boat.
Anyways, that was a lot of fun!! I hope it solves some mysteries and allows us all to sleep better at nights!