What Price Glory Raiders shirt

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What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by micsteam »

I happened to purchase used a WPG (What Price Glory) Indy Raiders shirt with a Wested Raiders jacket here in Cairo Bazaar and I have to say this is an excellent shirt. I have a Wested Indy shirt and this blows it away, it seems it's in the correct military like/type material, it wrinkles after washing (unless pressed ofcourse), and it photographs well ( I took several shots of me wearing it in different light and it looks SA). I've always felt the Raider shirt was borderline white but is a khaki or more like a bleached khaki it is not white. I also know that one batch of shirts can be different than another from the same company and between different makes. I don't know... what's everybody's thoughts on this ??
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by TenuredProfessor »

I definately agree, micstream :TOH: I actually bought two WPG shirts last summer, and hadn't worn one until a couple of weeks ago. I have 6 different Indy shirts, mostly Todds and two AB's, and those get worn more. When I first got it, I thought it was too stiff and thick for warmer months, but man, after a wash, it's absolutely perfect. They used to have sizing issues, but I ordered a large and medium long, and the large fits perfectly. I should probably put the ML in the bazaar :-k Great shirts for sure!!!
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by micsteam »

I know, I just happened onto this shirt and had the guy throw it in and I have been pleasantly surprised. WPG is supposed to be military surplus or repopped stuff and I have been a collector of military (specifically U.S. and British) clothing and equipment for years and their shirts are military grade material they need to be washed several times. If you pay attention to Indy's shirt through Raiders the WPG wrinkles in just the right places as Indy's shirts does in the movies. My shirt is a medium but I think I'm going to pick up a large just to see.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Texan Scott »

I don't know if you had seen one of their old style Indy shirts? They used to be huge! For sport, guys used to wear them over their jackets, they were tent sized! But Jerry took his cues, changed the patterns and revamped them for a much better OTR sizing scheme. Today, their Indy shirt is one of the fan favorites. It was one of the most dramatic improvements from one offering to the next that I have ever seen in the gear. About the only thing I might tweak about them is the coarse material, and most likely that finally diminishes with use and the number of times they are washed.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by jlhampton »

I agree about the material. After washing a few times, it did loosen up a bit and become more comfortable to wear. It seemed very heavy and coarse right out of the bag, but the color was the real winner for me. I've said over and over that the color of the WPG is, in person, the most S.A. of anything I've seen. Photos here have not been too greatly representative of actual live color so it's hard to tell from the other offerings until you hold one in your hands.
The hem stitching is, in my opinion, pretty heavy for S.A., but very rugged. Other than that and the cut being, still, a little too wide in the torso/body, I really like the shirt. Oh, I did wash it in hot water to shrink it up some, 'cos it was still rather big for me new, and the only thing that changed was the sleeve length. Maybe 3/4 to 1''.

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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by WConly »

Tundrarider wrote:I also like the WPG for it's color and fit. The sturdiness is great too, as it softens up with use and abuse, but can take it! :H:

Member "sgmorton" posted some full gear pics while wearing his WPG shirt and there's one set of pics there that tell the story best. Here's the thread from sgmorton:


If you scroll down about 2/3 of the way down the page, he posted three pics together and the shirt appears to be a different color (or shade) in each. This is why I think that the WPG color is best; I've never seen it in real life or in pics where it ever looked "wrong." And the fact that it's a different shade in different light, while all shades still look "right," says a lot for this color.

Here's my review of the WPG from 2010 in case you're interested.


Michael :TOH:
Well friend, You have sold me. I just ordered my first WPG. I will let you all know how it compares to my Wested and Todd's! Thanks! W>
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Solent MKIII »

This shirt has been on my next-to-buy list for some time ( now if that tax refund would hurry up and get here... :D ).
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Charybdis »

Yes, please post a review once you get it. I was very interested in the WPG stuff but I went with Todd's (well, except for my bag). If the review sells it, I just might have to get one of the WPG shirts afterall...
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by TenuredProfessor »

Yep, Tundy has some of the best, most informative reviews on these boards for a variety of gear. It's your reviews, Michael, that usually end up convincing me to open my wallet :lol: I can't stress enough that, after a wash, these shirts are top notch. WPG ships super fast as well :TOH:
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by wilbyc82 »

I love this shirt!!
The colour, fabric and fit are all spot on. I agree with the superiority when compared to the Wested in terms of all of the above. I could never achieve the correct "crinkled" effect with the Wested. WPG have produced an inctedible shirt for the price.....big fan :grin:

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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by RayROnline »

I too love my WPG's. I have 2 in M-long because I wanted to make sure it tucked in well. Fits me great...except one sleeve on 1 shirt has tha widest button too tight so I can barely get in to it. I'm going to have to move it. That material is rugged all right. I have always had my laundered and pressed (all my brands of Indy shirts), perhaps I'll machine wash these a few times to see if it lightens up the color a bit.

Still, my absolute fav shirt is my Azuma that I got in the Bazaar. I would love to get another Large. Seems I always miss when he posts his limited runs...even though I emailed him and was told I'd get a heads-up. :-({|= For me the color/material/fit combination is just right. Sort of a cross between a TODDS and Magnoli.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by RayROnline »

Tundrarider wrote:You are welcome, WConly! :D I hope you like it!

Wet the shirt, either by the washing machine or in the sink. Squeeze out the excess water and put it on. Wear it while doing yardwork until it's dry. The shirt molds to your body and gets nice wrinkles in the right places! I recommend a warm day for this! :P

Michael :TOH:

How about if I do that and then wear it while the guy I pay does yard work? :-
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by WConly »

Boy, these guys (WPG) are fast. Just ordered a couple of days ago and it is already speeding on it's way across the ocean to me! W>
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by WConly »

Tundrarider wrote:You are welcome, WConly! :D I hope you like it!

And thank you David, for the very kind words! :D
RayROnline wrote:I have always had my laundered and pressed (all my brands of Indy shirts), perhaps I'll machine wash these a few times to see if it lightens up the color a bit.
If you have one shirt for your Full Indy Gear outfit, you might do this method with it. I've found that to get the best look for the "lived in" Indy shirt, do the following:

Wet the shirt, either by the washing machine or in the sink. Squeeze out the excess water and put it on. Wear it while doing yardwork until it's dry. The shirt molds to your body and gets nice wrinkles in the right places! I recommend a warm day for this! :P

Michael :TOH:
Wow! You were so on target with this shirt! Arrived this morning (three days after ordering)! I couldn't be happier! Great colour! Great stying! Fits perfect and well trimmed (no extras strings, etc.)! Plus, the tail is longer then any of the other two offerings I have (Todd's and Wested). Thanks friend. You really turned me on to a superb 'Indy' shirt and with the price point and fast delivery, I am already considering ordering another. W>
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by micsteam »

I'm glad you're as happy and satisfied as I was/am. I'm placing an order sometime in the next month. Anybody but MKVII bag from them ?? Quick answer I don't want to veer off topic
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Charybdis »

I got their repro bag and strap. The strap is only 62" so you would probably need to switch it out for something longer for the buckle to sit right. The bag is great, as far as I can tell...
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by IndyRiv »

I bought a total of 6 from them but only found one that met my satisfaction. They don't like a person asking for "no rust on any of the hardware, plain snaps, etc" and 5 of the 6 I got were a grab-bag of things. That's why I'm leery to order from them. They're not very kind with their customer service and to pay $50-60 per bag and NOT get EXACTLY what you want is too high for me. Plus, I use my bags for my permanent collection, so accuracy and details are key on the pieces I purchase.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by RayROnline »

Last November I got an authentic, unused bag on eBay. It came with a satisfactory strap. I since ordered another strap from Wade Egan (which I apparently will never get :x but settled for the strap that came with it. But I had a shoe shop replace the screw-on rivets with real ones. The bag was unused, still wrapped, totally awesome. I would look there if trying to get one.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Indiana Croft »

Not veer to far, but I bought two WPG authentic W&G, and both had to be sent off for repair on the side canvase that holds the ring, dry rot issue. But there both fine now, and doing quiet nicely. :-k

WPG service is awesome, I want to purchase a new shirt but I have to wait for a new batch, looking for a M long.

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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Indiana Croft »

Hello TenuredProfessor, there's a PM for you, I have a question for you.
Thanks, Croft :mrgreen:
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Canasta »

Indiana Croft wrote:Not veer to far, but I bought two WPG authentic W&G, and both had to be sent off for repair on the side canvase that holds the ring, dry rot issue. But there both fine now, and doing quiet nicely. :-k

WPG service is awesome, I want to purchase a new shirt but I have to wait for a new batch, looking for a M long.

Croft :mrgreen:

Hey Croft.
Where did you get those canvas sides repaired?
I am in need of one getting fixed as well.

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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Indiana Croft »

Wade Egan.

Croft :mrgreen:
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by RayROnline »

Was that recent? Because I have not been able to get in touch with Wade since I gave an $85 last November for a new strap and whip holder.

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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Indiana Croft »

It was some time early last year. And ya I wish he comes back some time, I'd like to snag more of his gloves, there the closest I've seen to SA.

He did nice work, he actually reinforced the canvas, with something stronger, you just don't see it.

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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by RayROnline »

Indiana Croft wrote:It was some time early last year. And ya I wish he comes back some time, I'd like to snag more of his gloves, there the closest I've seen to SA.

He did nice work, he actually reinforced the canvas, with something stronger, you just don't see it.

Croft :mrgreen:
Yes, I have heard that he did. That's why I went to him. Now I'd be happy just to get ANY quality product or my money back. That looks like $85 I'll never see again. :(
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Charybdis »

According to the sizing, the WPG shirt in medium is basically the same sizing as Todd's large. Does anyone have an opinion on this? I will probably order a WPG this week but was unsure of the sizing issue! Help!
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by RayROnline »

I would say that's a fair description. I wear a WPG long for the extra tail and a Todds large and they fit very closely to the same. Both work well for me.

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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by lantzn »

The WPG is also my favorite. I ordered the Large-Long and love the extra length! So many shirts after a few washes shrink up and come untucked when bending over or reaching up. NOT this shirt.
The color reminds me of damp drywall mud and looks great with my Todd's pants.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Charybdis »

Well, the deed is done! I ordered my WPG shirt today in size Medium. I am not that tall in stature so I did not go with the Long and mostly I like wearing it with shorts during the summer and the tails stay untucked, so the length does not bother me much...

I can't wait to get this one!
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Indiana Croft »

You won't be disappointed, I just picked one up through a board member in M/L, I like my tails long. I have one of the earlier "tent" versions and I like this one whole lot more. The fit is perfect and the material seems like a match to the old, so after a few washes, it'll look even better.
The tent size one will find it's way to the bazzar real soon.

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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Charybdis »

Still waiting but I know they ship superfast. I think it only took 3 or 4 days when I ordered the WPG bag and strap...
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by micsteam »

Anybody ever bleached one of these to maybe get a slightly lighter less tan color ???
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by lantzn »

micsteam wrote:Anybody ever bleached one of these to maybe get a slightly lighter less tan color ???
To me the WPG is not really tan, it's more a stone color, tan has yellow in it like raw leather.
Look at some drywall mud in its box or on a wall before it completely dries and that's the range of color of this shirt.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Charybdis »

Only thing I can think of to "bleach" the shirt is to wear it out to the beach, get it wet in the sea water and walk around in the hot sun to dry it out. Do this for an entire summer and you just might have it done to perfection by September!! :D
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by micsteam »

lantzn I agree I meant to say a stone or a gray color, I used " tan " loosely.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Texan Scott »

khaki can be shades of green, gray, yellow and brown.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Charybdis »

Just got the shirt! Came in exactly one week. Haven't opened it yet but will send in review once I get to it!
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by micsteam »

Truly finding that correct color is the real hunt. I've always found that, the Raiders shirt my favorite !!, it was a stone/grayish white it seemed it had dye or the real color at the seams where there was the most fabric.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Charybdis »

Good and bad news! I love the WPG shirt, but it fits just a bit snug. Is anyone willing to do a straightup trade for a size large? Just has to be relatively new if possible...mine is a medium.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by micsteam »

love your Indy gear !!! What shirt are you wearing in your avatar photo ?? It really has the right contrast for the Indy Raiders look and I was just curious.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by ijq8 »

lantzn wrote:The WPG is also my favorite. I ordered the Large-Long and love the extra length! So many shirts after a few washes shrink up and come untucked when bending over or reaching up. NOT this shirt.
The color reminds me of damp drywall mud and looks great with my Todd's pants.

I'm trying to figure out proper sizing and it seems these shirts and others have been all over the map. I'm 6'1", 195lbs...would WPG owners recommend Large or Large-Long. Thanks.

Btw, new to COW, but loving it. Cheers.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Charybdis »

I'm in the same boat! I ordered the Medium because the sizing seems to be just like Todd's Large which fits me fine. When I got my WPG last week, it was a bit too small for me...so I had to return it for a Large instead.

The sizing is all over!! Haven't received word on my exchange yet but it should be sent out in the next day or two...
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Texan Scott »

ijq8 wrote:
lantzn wrote:The WPG is also my favorite. I ordered the Large-Long and love the extra length! So many shirts after a few washes shrink up and come untucked when bending over or reaching up. NOT this shirt.
The color reminds me of damp drywall mud and looks great with my Todd's pants.

I'm trying to figure out proper sizing and it seems these shirts and others have been all over the map. I'm 6'1", 195lbs...would WPG owners recommend Large or Large-Long. Thanks.

Btw, new to COW, but loving it. Cheers.

I'd suggest Large Long. I've never had an issue with WPG, post pattern revamp, of course. The new WPG shirts basically fit true to OTR. I had previously ordered a Medium, but sent it back for a Large, basically a men's 42-44.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by IndianaRedmon »

WPG has always had decent IJ items. I've owned both their bags and shirts, and found them all to be fine items.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Charybdis »

Got my new size large WPG shirt and it fits soooo much better, more akin to the Todds shirt. Put me down as another happy customer! Love the stone putty color!
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Cajunkraut »

The WPG is by far my favorite shirt of the two vendors' shirts that I have.

Fits well, quality daily wear construction, and I consider the color very Raiders SA, especially for 'Cairo Casual'. :H:
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by car96 »

Looks good. I gotta get one.
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by Solent MKIII »

Just pulled the trigger on one - finally! :D
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by ltfoley »

Here's mine, i'm very happy with it. It's a Medium Long but i had it shortenned. And it's perfect!!!
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Re: What Price Glory Raiders shirt

Post by bobbyd »

ltfoley wrote:Here's mine, i'm very happy with it. It's a Medium Long but i had it shortenned. And it's perfect!!!
The Hat is a Last Crusade Herbert Johnson.
Looks great LtFoley! I'm trying to figure out if I should go M or M-L myself. If you don't mind my asking, what is your sleeve measurement (i.e. from the center of where your neck meets your back, across your shoulder, and down to the first knuckle of your thumb), and is the sleeve length of your M-L sufficient? I'm right about a 34", not sure if the M will do it, or if I should go M-L. WPG gives the yoke and sleeve lengths, but I'm not sure if I should derive the traditional "dress shirt" sort of sleeve measurement by adding the sleeve length to 1/2 the yoke length.
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