Yes, I know I haven't been around here much of late, but I'm planning on changing that soon.

I had some money for Christmas and for my birthday last month, I decided that it was time to continue working towards completing my Indy memorabilia collection. I now have all of the Dark Horse Indy comics (I just need the Marvel Last Crusade ones and that's all the comics - in English, anyway). I also have the rest of the TSR Indy RPG modules and all I am missing is the box set that came out at the beginning.
Anyway, as well as the Indy stuff, I also got a few older Harrison Ford biographies and came across something very interesting which I thought I would share with you all. In the biography written by Minty Clinch, released in 1987 (originally in the UK), I read something very interesting in the chapter regarding Raiders, titled Bullwhipper Extraordinairy At the end of the chapter it states the following:
'Of course Raiders had its minuses as well as it pluses. Indy's hat, for one. Spielberg had finally found the model he liked at Herbert Johnson's, London's most exclusive hatter, and ordered two dozen copies at £49 each so that Indy need never go bare-headed. And how Ford hated the battered brown Grosvenor, especially in 120 degrees of heat.'
Now, I know that some of the info surrounding the Raiders fedora is somewhat sketchy at best, but when I mentioned this to Chewie (and as you know, he is somewhat of a hat collector), he thought it would be important to mention this fact as a Grosvenor is not just a type of hat, i.e. like a trilby or a fedora but is an actual style.
This may not be anything, but he thought I should post this just in case this is the first time that this has been mentioned.
Thank you for listening.