(Click on the pictures to see them bigger)
The first picture is the gun I started out with. I saw some other folks here on the forums do conversions on this airsoft gun and so I thought I'd take a stab at it. The nice thing about the one I bought is that the orange barrel tip easily comes off and can be put back on, if need be, without having to glue it in.

I thought about getting a hold of some genuine K-frame grips and modifying them to fit the gun but I couldn't find any that weren't more than I wanted to spend. But I was able to find the S&W Medallions and a lanyard loop cheap so I decided to just modify the existing grips. I used Fixit Sculpt from Aves Studio to remodel the grips and add the diamond in the handle and to fill in the "Made in Taiwan" on the side. I also filed the corners of the grip pattern so that it better matched one on the "Bapty".

I decided not to modify the sight as the barrel isn't accurate either but I may do that at some point. The same thing for the hammer. To paint the handle I used Testors Dark Tan enamel spray paint. I then put a wash of Ogyrn Flesh from Games Workshop's Citadel washes. For the metal on the gun, I used a method I found posted on here. I used a 6B graphite pencil for the base color, which worked really well, sprayed that with Krylon Matte Spray and then used Testors Enamel Gun Metal paint mixed with Testors Enamel Steel paint and dry brushed the edges of the gun. Then I used Testors Enamel Steel paint for the worn edges. Then once again I sprayed it with a coat of Krylon Matte Spray. It would have been nice to find a way to make it look blued but I couldn't figure out a good way to do it.

I had to modify the base of the gun to get the lanyard in there, I had to Dremel out a hole for it and then fill in part of the opening with Fixit Sculpt again.
I also sculpted bullet ends on the airsoft cartridges so that they looked more like bullets rather than just empty holes.

This is the holster I got from Todd's Costumes. I really like how the holster turned out, the color was nice to begin with and much more supple than I thought it would be. I wet blocked it with the revolver and distressed it a bit with sand paper. Then I put Pecards on it and it just took on and even richer color.

As you can see this gun fits really nicely in this holster.

Anyway, let me know what you think.

- bish