Like I said, Todd, it's different strokes for different folks.
A replica revolver is so far down on that list to me, I don't really pay a whole lot of attention to these threads. I leave them to the folks who are pursuing this particular item. I am not.
The 'Han Solo Blaster' probably isn't the best example, as it's a complete fantasy piece. Now, if such a thing really existed in real life, and we were comparing it to a replica blaster, and the difference in price were not that far apart, I'd still offer the same opinion. Otherwise, you're right, I'm not at all interested in a replica Han Solo blaster of any kind. I'm not into Star Wars that much anyway.
I can completely understand quality items like, well, EVERYTHING else in the world of Indy gear, as they're used, many on a daily basis.....but rarely is the revolver ever pulled out at things like Con's or the like as the administrators get a bit 'antsy' when that happens. That's why they're usually peace-tied (or what ever term they're currently using to wire tie an item into it's holster/scabbard/etc. so it CAN'T be pulled out.

) Most folks go to Cons and the like with empty holsters and are just as happy without as with. Less weight to walk around on your hip, let alone the fact you can't even pull the thing out to show anyone....well, sheesh!
Let's mention an item that would be closer to your line of business, make a LOT Xena items. Most folks I know (and I know a quite a few, as one of my daughters is a blacksmith and armorer) want the real deal in their scabbord when it comes to a convention. Many spend those mentioned thousands on the best steel bladed daggers and matching swords that money can buy. Some are razor sharp, and as close the real deal as possible. Even the fantasy blades are dead on and sharp! They take these items to fairs and conventions, and are peace tied at the door (not at Renn Faires) and they're carrying them. I don't know too many (as a matter fact, none personally) who attend these things with a plastic or base metal bladed sword or dagger.
It's all in how you roll.
The only reason I even posted in this thread is because you were lamenting the fact you had sold only 50 of your replicas, still had $7500 dollars worth of stock STILL sitting on your shelf, and couldn't figure out why.
I just offered an opinion on that question.....again. Nothing more.
Regards! Michaelson