Does anyone know what happened to TNO?
As much I'd hate to say it, as much as I really hate to badmouth anyone, I've got a leather jacket with them since June that I'm starting to get worried about.
I know, I know, I have really no one else to blame but my own #### self for not listening when you guys gave me advice (especially _

), telling me not to send the jacket back to TNO for repairs in light of recent events. But I had shrugged my shoulders as this wasn't really my favorite jacket anyway.
I know we're used to playing the waiting game here at CoW, but I think this time I am justified in being worried. I never had an email go unanswered with Tony or Riley for more than a couple weeks, but this time, despite 4 emails since June, I haven't heard back.
Back then, I had sent my jacket to TNO for repairs and adjustments by registered mail, and was assured they would look into it. I know that my jacket was recieved, but after it was, that was the last I heard. Nothing since, despite emails in August, and then again last month.
So anyone know what happened?