Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

Thanks Zane! More I look at it, I think this jacket suits me best! Plus I like how it makes me look thinner! :[

But really, the day I receive this jacket is also the one day where we have 95 degree weather with lots of humidity! What the ....?!? Yesterday was in the 60's, and tomorrow will be in the 70's. But the day I get a new jacket in the mail it is sooo bloody hot!
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Indyzane »

On a secound thought.... Now that my new job is paying me way more, I'm thinking I'll get a new jacket from Riley when I go visit him this October. :-k Now I know why you've been selling your hats! :lol:
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

Yeah, I sold a few hats to help fund this jacket; but I also sold them because I now have other hats that just suit me better. It got to the point that I was rarely wearing some of my hats because I always felt like the other hats looked better on me. So why keep them if I won't wear them? It freed up some money for me and helped me afford this jacket.

Either way, I am done buying hats and jackets for now (sorry Riley, John, Steve, and Marc!) but the fiancee is putting her foot down. She has been scanning my e-mails looking for anything to do with buying a new Penman! Ha!
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Indyzane »

Oh I know nick, now I have to explain to my wife why I need a new jacket. :anxious: Also the detour to El Segundo! :[ Take care my friend, hope to see this jacket broken in soon.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by BendingOak »

jnicktem wrote:Yeah, I sold a few hats to help fund this jacket; but I also sold them because I now have other hats that just suit me better. It got to the point that I was rarely wearing some of my hats because I always felt like the other hats looked better on me. So why keep them if I won't wear them? It freed up some money for me and helped me afford this jacket.

Either way, I am done buying hats and jackets for now (sorry Riley, John, Steve, and Marc!) but the fiancee is putting her foot down. She has been scanning my e-mails looking for anything to do with buying a new Penman! Ha!

Thats what you think. You forget the jedi mind trick of mine. :CR:
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by TheExit148 »

Love the Surrogates jacket. I have got one, and its one of my favorites! If I could get another with tweaked measurements and leather, I'd try to get one in horsehide, and a little longer in the front and back. Enjoy it, its a great jacket :tup:
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by damian della morte »

very nice, last jacket i ordered from tony was going to be a LC but went with a second CS instead, maybe i should have went with my first instinct
Mitch LaRue wrote:Hi everyone,
Here's a little follow-up to my previous post with the shots of my new TN LC from Riley B:

Over the last few days I've had several people ask (usually through very kind personal messages sent through Facebook) why I hadn't gotten "into Gear" for my LC Jacket shots.

The reason was simple enough:
Other than my jacket I don't really own much in the way of LC Gear (sure, I'm planning on ordering a Last Crusade Fedora from John Penman and one day I hope to add an LC web belt to my collection, but I don't own a SA shirt, an LC holster, etc, etc)... but I was very flattered that several people had asked me about this (I also felt remorseful that not concealing my shaggy mop of greying hair under a fedora had caused Indiana Jeff such alarm! - please see the top of this page for the proof) :P

I'm only just getting to this now because about 10 minutes after my wife had snapped the last of the photos I posted on Page 27, the skies opened up and it's rained & rained pretty much continually since then ...
that is, until yesterday afternoon, when we finally had a glimpse of sun...
So, out we went to snap a few more shots "In Gear" not only with THIS Thread in mind, but also for some pictures I want to upload in General Gear showing my new Magnoli Pants.
The photos are a bit on the "brightly lit" side, but you get the idea.

Anyway, I've edited my post on Page 27 (taking away several Pictures & Links so that I could post a few new things here)

A couple of Links to the first few shots ... C01544.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... C01556.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;



(I couldn't resist doing this... I mean, who knows WHEN I'm gonna be in this gear again?) ... C01653.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;


Once again, hope you like these.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

BendingOak wrote:
jnicktem wrote:Yeah, I sold a few hats to help fund this jacket; but I also sold them because I now have other hats that just suit me better. It got to the point that I was rarely wearing some of my hats because I always felt like the other hats looked better on me. So why keep them if I won't wear them? It freed up some money for me and helped me afford this jacket.

Either way, I am done buying hats and jackets for now (sorry Riley, John, Steve, and Marc!) but the fiancee is putting her foot down. She has been scanning my e-mails looking for anything to do with buying a new Penman! Ha!

Thats what you think. You forget the jedi mind trick of mine. :CR:
Who are you using the mind trick on? Me or Amanda!?!
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Tibor »

Now you see, the advantage of having a private message center on COW is that you can arrange a transaction with John without going through your email. :TOH:
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

Nick, that jacket is awesome. So, at this point, how do you ever know which jacket to wear? That is the problem I usually face. Well, when it isn't 102 degrees outside.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by BendingOak »

jnicktem wrote:
BendingOak wrote:
jnicktem wrote:Yeah, I sold a few hats to help fund this jacket; but I also sold them because I now have other hats that just suit me better. It got to the point that I was rarely wearing some of my hats because I always felt like the other hats looked better on me. So why keep them if I won't wear them? It freed up some money for me and helped me afford this jacket.

Either way, I am done buying hats and jackets for now (sorry Riley, John, Steve, and Marc!) but the fiancee is putting her foot down. She has been scanning my e-mails looking for anything to do with buying a new Penman! Ha!

Thats what you think. You forget the jedi mind trick of mine. :CR:
Who are you using the mind trick on? Me or Amanda!?!

everyone :twisted:

I love the jacket Nick. I would love one myself.

Mitch, I love your jacket as well.

see, I have the same problem as the rest of you guys and dolls. I can't stop myself.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

Tibor wrote:Now you see, the advantage of having a private message center on COW is that you can arrange a transaction with John without going through your email. :TOH:
Ha! Thanks for the loophole! Now I can finally order that sahara fedora I've been wanting!
Forrest For the Trees wrote:Nick, that jacket is awesome. So, at this point, how do you ever know which jacket to wear? That is the problem I usually face. Well, when it isn't 102 degrees outside.
I only have 3 jackets, my Nowaks. A Raiders in shrunken lamb, a CS, and the Surrogates. It basically depends on what I'm wearing and what I feel like wearing. Some days I just feel like wearing an Indy jacket!
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Tibor »

I know. Sometimes you wake up and just feel like life might drag you behind a truck today... Go with the Indy just in case on those days. ;)
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by CM »

jnicktem wrote:You're pretty close. I normally wear a 42L, I will try to see if I can get the exact measurements from Riley to post.

And it comes pretty close to 5 pounds. But I have a pretty thick lining (it can get cold in Mini-Soda).
Thanks.It's fairly heavy
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by orb »

jnicktem wrote:Okay here it is! I was only able to take one picture (it's tough getting a decent picture of yourself with bad lighting and no tripod to hold the camera).

It's a Surrogates jacket in the 747 Leather:

Beauty, wear it with proud
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by KingHamlet »

Nick, those are fantastic looking jacket. I also have a Surrogates from Riley and it is swell work.

Mitch, looking at your Jacket, I wish I'd never pecards my jacket so much. It's too dark now and took away some of its character.

Recently I'd been talking to Riley about a new Indy jacket, I'm wanting a really sturdy CS jacket with Tony's immigrant pocket and the Surrogates lining and a little bit longer tails and sleeves. My first Indy jacket with Tony was cut like a shirt, and is not so great when I'm traveling and I'm going to multiple locations with vastly changing weather.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Hollowpond »

_ wrote:Great copies of the California Sportswear Half-belt original... :TOH:
Agreed! :TOH:

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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

Even though I know it's not an original design, I don't fit into standard jacket sizes. Never have. So when I get a jacket it has to be custom. I love this design and the 747 leather from TNO is fantastic! Already having a couple of jackets from TNO, I knew Riley could deliver the exact jacket that I want and nail the fit... which of course he did!
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

I have looked into Goodwear. They look like great jackets, but I am not a fan of the sleeve buckles. They don't look right in my opinion. Nothing wrong with them, just my preference. Plus I liked the leather options from TNO better. Since they are the same price, I went for TNO and got the leather I wanted.

Although I might look into a Goodwear jacket in the future.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

A nice A-2 is the last jacket on my list. I am in no rush to get one, but right now I am thinking of Goodwear or Eastman. I am really digging the Eastman ANJ-4. Looks like a great jacket to keep me warm in those brutally-cold MinneSNOWta winters!
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

Yes they are! Right now I have the Eastman ANJ-4 and the Logan's Closet X-3 in horsehide on my list.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

After putting some pecards on my TN CS jacket (just had to do it... leather seemed so dry and lighter in colour than what I saw on the film jackets). I loved the results! The leather feels so supple, and the colour looks spot on to the film jackets! This jacket went from a closet hanger to a daily wearer!

Image ... G_7334.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... G_7326.jpg" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by j2m »

Very nice jacket Jnicktem!!!!
Its suits you perfectly :TOH: and the colour does look spot on for a CS :H:

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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

Thanks JM! Considering I bought this jacket second hand (the original owner bought it in HF's size, and was put on display instead of being worn) it's amazing that it fits me so well! My only problem is the arms can be less baggy- but that's the CS jacket for you.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

I put Pecards on mine as well, Nick. It looks fantastic. I know what you mean about those baggy sleeves, though. Can't wait for the weather to cool off so I can wear the darned thing. I've reshaped the collar, and I'm quite happy with it.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

Yeah the pecards thing is something I should have done with this jacket from the very beginning. It breathed new life into it!

I'm glad to hear you are still enjoying that Nowak! Amazing how well these jackets worked out for the both of us, eh?
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

No kidding, I think we both got a perfect fit when it is all said and done. I'll have to post some updated photos in this thread when I start wearing the jacket again (ie. when it is less than 95 degrees!).
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by raider7 »

Does anyone have a definitive answer on what is happening with Nowak jackets? I keep reading that people are receiving new jackets, have tried emailing Riley but to no avail, anyone been to the shop lately? Is he still taking orders or just fulfilling the last remaining ones, is the shop even still operaing? I'm sure that there are many like me that would like to place orders if possible. Any accurate updates would be appreciated by me and am sure many others.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by sithspawn »

raider7 wrote:Does anyone have a definitive answer on what is happening with Nowak jackets? I keep reading that people are receiving new jackets, have tried emailing Riley but to no avail, anyone been to the shop lately? Is he still taking orders or just fulfilling the last remaining ones, is the shop even still operaing? I'm sure that there are many like me that would like to place orders if possible. Any accurate updates would be appreciated by me and am sure many others.
From what I've heard they've got some film work going on, and an Arnold bodybuilding expo in Europe, and so they are taking a step back from custom jacket for the time being.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by jnicktem »

Forrest For the Trees wrote:No kidding, I think we both got a perfect fit when it is all said and done. I'll have to post some updated photos in this thread when I start wearing the jacket again (ie. when it is less than 95 degrees!).
I can't wait to see those pictures! Up here in Mini-Soda we have been getting stretches of 40 degree days, and then a stretch of 80 degree days. So at least we are occasionally having jacket weather!

Also, I heard the same thing that sithspawn did. They have been mainly doing expo jackets and such right now... I think they are trying to get out of the business of making the custom jackets.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by raider7 »

Also, I heard the same thing that sithspawn did. They have been mainly doing expo jackets and such right now... I think they are trying to get out of the business of making the custom jackets.
If that's the case then it's a real shame - I managed to get a TNO LC jacket not too long ago, although not made for me, the original owner only wore it occasionally during the autumn, he has a CS which he prefers to wear. It was made by Tony in February 2010, and luckily it is a perfect fit in every way apart from the sleeve length which is a bit longer than I like, but as it's probably the easiest thing to fix not a big deal.

The jacket is practically new and I'm lucky to get one that's such a good fit given the ongoing situation with the business. I would've really liked to get a CS - but chances of getting one in same condition that is my size are looking practically nil.

If anyone hears different appreciate a heads up.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by lantzn »

Here's my CS which I bought back in Jan. 2009. I just applied the second coat of Obenaufs' oil. The first coat was a couple weeks ago.

full album ... 777923310/

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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

Looks fantastic. :TOH:
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by lantzn »

_ wrote:Obenauf's? Gotta check that out. Looks terrific my friend. Kudos! :TOH:

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk...
_ here's the full description of the results.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by El Hüsto »

Hello, i'm El Hüsto from Germany and this is my favorite Indy LC Jacket from Tony Nowak!


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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Mitch LaRue »

That's a wonderful looking jacket... and a great overall "Indy"-look!
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Baldwyn »

Agreed! Great jacket, El Husto! I think the LC jackets are the best ones to come out of Tony Nowak's shop, and you wear that one well!
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Texan Scott »

Darn! El Husto found the grail first! :twisted:

I knew it was in here, somewhere... 8-[]
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by El Hüsto »

\:D/ Thank you, guys!

And yes, i have the grail! 8)
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by indydude18 »

Is it too late to add on here? :D

This is my TN that I received from TheExit148! I think it's about 2 years old now since he got it from Tony. It's pretty much ~1:1 HF sizing and I love this baby to death!


This jacket is the BOMB! :D
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by IndyOriginal »

The jacket is a real beauty :TOH: Always wanted a Nowak. The pantless manikin who stole your jacket, however, creeps me the ____ out :?
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by lantzn »

Yeah half naked mannequins in leather doesn't send a good message. Put some pants on him! Lol
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by indydude18 »

IndyOriginal wrote:The pantless manikin who stole your jacket, however, creeps me the ____ out
IndyOriginal, you have no clue how many times that mannequin has scared me when I enter my room at night. And it having no pants doesn't make things any better. :P
lantzn wrote: Yeah half naked mannequins in leather doesn't send a good message. Put some pants on him! Lol
You got it! :lol:
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by IndyOriginal »

Or just put him near a door as a disincentive to robbers haha. I'd brave the pantless manikin for that jacket though.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Does anyone know what happened to TNO?

As much I'd hate to say it, as much as I really hate to badmouth anyone, I've got a leather jacket with them since June that I'm starting to get worried about.

I know, I know, I have really no one else to blame but my own #### self for not listening when you guys gave me advice (especially _ :TOH: ), telling me not to send the jacket back to TNO for repairs in light of recent events. But I had shrugged my shoulders as this wasn't really my favorite jacket anyway.

I know we're used to playing the waiting game here at CoW, but I think this time I am justified in being worried. I never had an email go unanswered with Tony or Riley for more than a couple weeks, but this time, despite 4 emails since June, I haven't heard back.

Back then, I had sent my jacket to TNO for repairs and adjustments by registered mail, and was assured they would look into it. I know that my jacket was recieved, but after it was, that was the last I heard. Nothing since, despite emails in August, and then again last month.

So anyone know what happened?
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by TheExit148 »

See this post

Still, that does **** it's taken so long for a repair of a jacket. I'm surprised they didn't fix it up and send back before the "consumer" shutdown.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by St. Dumas »

Maybe consider just asking them to forget about the repairs and ship it back to you un-repaired at their expense. My concern would be that they suddenly close up shop, customer orders and all. You'd only be out your original shipment cost.
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Michaelson »

What really concerns me is the report of them finding 'other problems' with returned 'repair' jobs, repairing them, then charging extra for the work done that wasn't asked for. I hope that's not true. :roll:

I hope and pray you get your jacket back soon. [-o<

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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by IndyOriginal »

That's why _ is a little jaded.
_....Jaded? Nah, couldn't be :)

But you're first experience in business seems to echo mine. I worked 3 years (2 in school, 1 out) at a company where you (the customer), were always wrong and we (the untermenschen) had to enforce that policy. It didn't help that upwards of $10K sometimes could be lost by our customers in international flights (not to mention their int. bus. trips ruined) for stupid, random mistakes that we had no control over. But, our company didn't care as long as we got ours.

That's why I never even considered a TN for my next jacket. From all reports, the situation there reminds me of my old job. You pay $800+ for a jacket, they should be able to a freaking email!
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Re: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

First of all, no offence meant _, I didn't mean to imply that you were jaded or anything less than completely forthcoming in my last post, although I apologize if it came across that way. But I really should have listened... It was a case of my gearhead thinking for my big head! ](*,)

And thank you everybody for all your answers and good wishes.

I'm really going to have to do what St Dumas said and probably demand my jacket back... Especially after what Michaelson said. Personally, I've been lurking here more than posting these days, so I've been in the dark lately about alot of things. I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but from the stories I've heard of TNO's current state, and from my deteriorating experiences with them, they're really turning out to resemble that other infamous leather-jacket company that I won't name, but with whom I refused to do further business with after I met Tony.

It was always about the customer service first and foremost, especially after being horrified by the business practices of that other company, so to see TNO go down the same path really is unfortunate.

All I got to say is that at least this jacket obsession has led me to meet some really decent vendors. Of course, none I've met has yet topped Tony's showman skills, but at least I don't feel nervous that I won't see my jacket again!
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