Indiana Bond wrote:Here are some pics from the ebay listing.
If that isn't it I need new specs. Nice find

- I.C.
Moderators: Mike, Cajunkraut, Tennessee Smith
Indiana Bond wrote:Here are some pics from the ebay listing.
It looks like there were a lot of variations on a single basic design of these flashlights. The variations were may have been specific to a certain year model. I don't think we'd be going out on a limb to assume that the same manufacturer who made the light pictured above may have built the exact same light the previous year, or the following year exactly the same way, except it was painted, where this particular one is all chrome. It's also easy to assume that the manufacturer may have sold this light to a variety of store chains. Different store chains may have different specs on what they like to sell. Painted/unpainted, red button/black button, etc.jedidentist wrote:Yeah, it's not black, and yeah it doesn't have the pinstriping, but it's the closest anyone's found with that type of head. Makes me wonder if they possibly picked this up and re-painted it, because I haven't seen one yet with that extra band of knurling below the main lamp head. Great find!
Well it IS LFL, so it's more than likely that they did repaint it because that seems to be the pattern. Seriously, I think it is impossible for GL to use a prop in the original form it came in.jedidentist wrote:Yeah, it's not black, and yeah it doesn't have the pinstriping, but it's the closest anyone's found with that type of head. Makes me wonder if they possibly picked this up and re-painted it, because I haven't seen one yet with that extra band of knurling below the main lamp head. Great find!
I wonder if the film used flashlight, is some sort of hybrid? Does the bottom of this flashlight come off? If it does, perhaps the center is a different flashlight completely. Then having the ends of this flashlight shown, screwed on. Hollywood is always doing that sort of thing and yes I would buy one.RaiderZee wrote:After much research, I have come to believe that this bicycle flashlight IS the one used in CS, with a paint job. I am considering doing a paint job on a short run of these (10 or so). I think $45 plus shipping; $20 bucks sounds about right for a paint job.
Any interest? If so, I'll take it to the Bazaar.
I wondered about that too. I think the props guys probably just replaced the bulb with a jerry-riged super bright LED like thisHJoe wrote:The flashlight is very bright in the sceens and the lamp that Mutt used had a very bright quartz light used for filming, so the flashlight may have been modified to accomodate a higher output.
From what little experience I have shooting film, it takes a lot of light for correct exposures, I really doubt that a standard flashlight would show up much on film.
You can also buy pre-made LED modules.enigmata_wood wrote:I think the props guys probably just replaced the bulb with a jerry-riged super bright LED like this ... gular-tor/
twilekjedi wrote:I picked up the small version of the Restoration Hardware torch a week ago and used it during the mission at the Queen Mary Summit at Ft. MacArthur yesterday. It fits in my MK VII quite nicely and functioned well in the dark passages of the fort.
Unfortunately, it was part of the Gear packed in my big purple duffle bag -- the one that the airline lost. Once I get it back I'll see if I can take it apart for ya!lantzn wrote:Would you mind opening it up and take photos and measurements of the various pieces of the "guts" so I might see if they can be adapted to my vintage flashlight?