Indy's flash light. New Gear.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Indiana Charles »

Indiana Bond wrote:Here are some pics from the ebay listing.



If that isn't it I need new specs. Nice find :H:

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by sithspawn »

Got it! ;)
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Dragonlady Jones »

Just picked up one of these too. I have a big old vintage cruiser bike and needed a headlight. This thing? With the Indy connection? Helllllooooo!?!
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by jedidentist »

Go away for a couple of days and everyone freaks out. I thought this was a one time auction, thus the reason for asking that he post it. Didn't know that there were multiples.

As for the light. That's pretty frickin' awesome! Yeah, it's not black, and yeah it doesn't have the pinstriping, but it's the closest anyone's found with that type of head. Makes me wonder if they possibly picked this up and re-painted it, because I haven't seen one yet with that extra band of knurling below the main lamp head. Great find!
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Cammer »

jedidentist wrote:Yeah, it's not black, and yeah it doesn't have the pinstriping, but it's the closest anyone's found with that type of head. Makes me wonder if they possibly picked this up and re-painted it, because I haven't seen one yet with that extra band of knurling below the main lamp head. Great find!
It looks like there were a lot of variations on a single basic design of these flashlights. The variations were may have been specific to a certain year model. I don't think we'd be going out on a limb to assume that the same manufacturer who made the light pictured above may have built the exact same light the previous year, or the following year exactly the same way, except it was painted, where this particular one is all chrome. It's also easy to assume that the manufacturer may have sold this light to a variety of store chains. Different store chains may have different specs on what they like to sell. Painted/unpainted, red button/black button, etc.

It is also possible that a previous owner didn't like the paint because it became scratched, etc, and spent 10 minutes with an acetone soaked rag removing it. A lot can happen in 50 years. I work on antique cars and it is truly amazing the amount of time that a previous owner can spend on screwing things up. :lol:
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by knibs7 »

jedidentist wrote:Yeah, it's not black, and yeah it doesn't have the pinstriping, but it's the closest anyone's found with that type of head. Makes me wonder if they possibly picked this up and re-painted it, because I haven't seen one yet with that extra band of knurling below the main lamp head. Great find!
Well it IS LFL, so it's more than likely that they did repaint it because that seems to be the pattern. Seriously, I think it is impossible for GL to use a prop in the original form it came in.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by knibs7 »

Oh and was there a brand name mentioned on this flashlight?

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Indiana Bond »

OK, Got my flashlight in the mail today. It came in a bubble envelope with no box or wrapper of any kind. The flashlight itself was unwrapped. The flashlight holder and mounting screws came in a sealed plastic bag. Writing on the bag says:



Mgr. Nr.
40 GB

There is absolutly no writing or printing any where on the Flashlight! No manufacturer, no model number, not even "made in china". NOTHING AT ALL!!

The material is very thin metal. The lens is plastic. Very cheaply made, It is brand new and not a vintage item.

I do believe this is a new item that is probably made in China. Very strange that there are no manufacturers markings.

But it does look like the one in the movie. I may try to contact the ebay seller and ask if he has any info about the flashlight. I'm curious to find out what this thing is and where it came from!

I will try to post some pics later but the pics already posted pretty much show what it is. I wish I had my other flashlight here with me in Hawaii as I am curious if the head and end may fit on to the body of the other light I have. That body has the corect black with silver stripe finish.

Will keep you all posted.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by jedidentist »

It looked pretty cheaply built on close examination, but whatever. Hopefully it's not made out of lead or something bad. ;)
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by HJoe »

Sorry for posting a live auction :oops: , I thought I had posted the closed auction page where I had bought my flashlight.

I already tried to get more information from the vendor on where the flashlight was made, but got a very short "no information" reply.

It wouldn't surprise me if the LFL prop department didn't paint the flashlight, From the interviews I've seen prop masters like to put their "stamp" on things. Make it their own.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by RaiderZee »

After much research, I have come to believe that this bicycle flashlight IS the one used in CS, with a paint job. I am considering doing a paint job on a short run of these (10 or so). I think $45 plus shipping; $20 bucks sounds about right for a paint job.

Any interest? If so, I'll take it to the Bazaar.

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Re: hey

Post by Digger4Glory »

RaiderZee wrote:After much research, I have come to believe that this bicycle flashlight IS the one used in CS, with a paint job. I am considering doing a paint job on a short run of these (10 or so). I think $45 plus shipping; $20 bucks sounds about right for a paint job.

Any interest? If so, I'll take it to the Bazaar.

I wonder if the film used flashlight, is some sort of hybrid? Does the bottom of this flashlight come off? If it does, perhaps the center is a different flashlight completely. Then having the ends of this flashlight shown, screwed on. Hollywood is always doing that sort of thing and yes I would buy one.
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by RaiderZee »

Well, I've done a bit more research on the light in question. I'm 99.9% certain this is the flashlight used by Indy in CS. Here’s a screenshot zoom:


Here's the eBay flashlight, painted per the film:


Here's the repro, color and focus adjusted a bit more like the still:


Now I'll compare features of the two lights. First the repro, then the movie version (sorry if the blue print is a bit hard to read):


A few points:
• The layout of all the bands, both raised and lowered, are identical.
• The raised horizontal strip on the midsection intersects the base of the flashlight controls at exactly the same spot.
• The corrugation on the middle section is not seen in the film due to poor focus and pixilation, but the evidence of the corrugation is the lighter, almost white color of the unpainted bands near the tailpiece. They are whiter due to the corrugated ridges reflecting light more than the flat unpainted areas (on the frontpiece and tailpiece).
• The overall length of the repro light is slightly shorter than the CS. This is due to the flashlight’s focus mechanism. The frontpiece screws in or out to adjust the focus. This changes the length of the light, specifically in the area where the frontpiece and the midsection meet. The CS light has been adjusted to a narrow focus (hence a longer light); my repro was pictured with a wide focus (hence a shorter light). The dimensions of the front piece, the midsection (from the forward paint to the tailpiece), and the tailpiece itself, are identical between the two lights.
• Both lights have a metal clip or hanger, which have been retracted within the tailpiece.
• The curious blotchy, circular area on the back of the lights is glue residue. My light came with a metal disc bearing the Schwinn logo glued to the back. It very easily popped off, leaving a roughly circular glue residue. This apparently was the case with the CS light.

The button on the flashlight controls is the only sticking point. Mine came in red; the button on the CS light is apparently black. I have contacted the suppliers of the light. It does not come with a black button, and has not, to their knowledge, been available with a black button, at least in the past several years. I am still researching this, but am leaning to the probability that the button was simply painted black by the CS prop department.

So, I believe that the eBay/Chinese light is the one used by HF in CS. Let me know what you think. In the spirit of “leave no gear behind”, I’ve procured 20 of the eBay lights and am working on a short run of these props.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by RaiderZee »

Just to throw you a curve, check this out:


This light used by Mutt is clearly NOT the same light used by HF. It has a disc on the back, the tailpiece is indented all around the coin, and the front of the light is crenellated. A flashlight club has ID’d this as a modern Surefire A6 flashlight:


Now I’m not convinced that this IS the Mutt flashlight, but I AM convinced that SLaB used a different flashlight than HF, due to the obvious differences. Perhaps the prop department wanted a more durable flashlight for Mutt, since he fell of the ladder holding the light in the cemetery scene. The eBay/HF light is not terribly sturdy and is made of aluminum; it would’ve shattered had it hit the ground. Just conjecture.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Indiana Bond »

Once again - Great Work RZ!!!!

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Re: hey

Post by Digger4Glory »

Excellent research RZ! Please put my name on the list! :)
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by RaiderZee »

OK, I'll start an interest thread in the Bazaar.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by knibs7 »

Please add me to the list!!!!!!!

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by RaiderZee »

One more point on the button. If you look closely in the above pics, the black button on the CS light is very short/low compared to the red button on the repro light. I think I figured out why: when taking the flashlight apart, unless you are VERY careful, the flat metal spring that holds up the button will bend, and cannot be bent fully back. So when you put it back together, the button ends up being very low, almost to the point where it won't work (I am speaking from experience here). I am speculating that this happened to the CS light when they took it apart to paint the button, but that, since the button was never going to be used anyway, the prop department was content to go with it. I think this gives more credence to the theory that the CS button was indeed a red button painted black.

BTW, I have since figured out how to remove the button so that it comes (almost) fully back to its proper height, so it will operate properly.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by HJoe »

Great analysis work "RaiderZee"!

I came to the same conclusion holding mine up to my TV screen and comparing them, but I couldn't do screen grabs.
It would make sense to me that the prop department found this model of flashlight and painted it to look like a vintage one. The paint pattern matches one of the close enough vintage flashlights I bought earlier on in my search for the correct flashlight.

It's kind of exciting to find a correct piece of gear, even if it is only a flashlight. :D

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by lantzn »

Another good close enough, circa 1965.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by ANZAC_1915 »

Surefire M6 perhaps?

I bet the prop department did that so they could get a brighter beam for effect in some of the shots.

I still don't buy them painting the ebay/Chinese with black stripes to look similar to other period cheap flashlights - I do agree it is the same shape etc. Seems like a lot of work when they could have bought quantities of many of the "close enoughs". I guess I'm saying if we keep looking we may find some already painted this way.
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by RaiderZee »

Yes, M6 is what I meant.

The flashlight on eBay is the identical body. If it comes already painted, then no one who distributes or sells this light is aware of it. Not saying it isn't possible. But Lucasfilm props don't come off of shelves. They are always tinkering before it gets on the film, so painting this light would be more of the norm rather than an exception.

I wish it did come painted, because that would save me alot of trouble. I'm working on a run of these and they are proving to be a HUGE pain in the rear.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by enigmata_wood »

HJoe wrote:The flashlight is very bright in the sceens and the lamp that Mutt used had a very bright quartz light used for filming, so the flashlight may have been modified to accomodate a higher output.
From what little experience I have shooting film, it takes a lot of light for correct exposures, I really doubt that a standard flashlight would show up much on film.

I wondered about that too. I think the props guys probably just replaced the bulb with a jerry-riged super bright LED like this ... gular-tor/
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by tym »

enigmata_wood wrote:I think the props guys probably just replaced the bulb with a jerry-riged super bright LED like this ... gular-tor/
You can also buy pre-made LED modules. ... B000IXAJG4
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by HJoe »

LED's don't have the same color temperature as quartz and would appear very different on screen, Mutts light was a custom 500 watt quartz light. The flashlight would need to have the same type of lamp (with lower wattage), for the light to look correct in the same scene.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by ANZAC_1915 »

I picked up a close enough on eBay, no painting required for body or button.

Brand is "Rose".

(this is a stock photo, my flashlight has a little patina)

Just search for "Rose vintage flashlight" on flea-bay.
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Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by djd »

Nice find! Thanks for posting that
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Gater »

Not to revise an old post, but this just arrived at my doorstep. It's a USAlite vintage 1950's. It's seen better days, but looks pretty close to the screenused prop, and will look good in the CS display portion of my case.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Michaelson »

You know, ever since CS came out in 2008, I've kept my eyes peeled for these old lights, but have come up with absolutely nothing down here in the South. It appears they must have been used hard, then discarded, as I've found zip to date. :?

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Indy is such a trendsetter

Post by InexorableTash » ... rod1730080" onclick=";return false;

As near as I can tell, the Small size is identical to the style identified in this thread as the basis for the prop, but fitted for 3 LEDs.
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by lantzn »

I'd like to rob the LED guts out of that and drop them into my vintage copper fish-eye torch. ... 536869430/
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Hollowpond »

Now THATS an idea! :TOH:
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by twilekjedi »

I picked up the small version of the Restoration Hardware torch a week ago and used it during the mission at the Queen Mary Summit at Ft. MacArthur yesterday. It fits in my MK VII quite nicely and functioned well in the dark passages of the fort.
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by lantzn »

twilekjedi wrote:I picked up the small version of the Restoration Hardware torch a week ago and used it during the mission at the Queen Mary Summit at Ft. MacArthur yesterday. It fits in my MK VII quite nicely and functioned well in the dark passages of the fort.

Would you mind opening it up and take photos and measurements of the various pieces of the "guts" so I might see if they can be adapted to my vintage flashlight?
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by PyramidBlaster »

I'll second the enthusiastic thumbs-up for TwilekJedi's find at Restoration Hardware....I saw hers at the fort, it looked great! Best of the old AND new.....
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by twilekjedi »

lantzn wrote:Would you mind opening it up and take photos and measurements of the various pieces of the "guts" so I might see if they can be adapted to my vintage flashlight?
Unfortunately, it was part of the Gear packed in my big purple duffle bag -- the one that the airline lost. Once I get it back I'll see if I can take it apart for ya!
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by trdaggers »

I sent a PM Michaelson and he said I could post this. I believe this is the flash light minus the black painted handle. The number on e-bay is 260866437821. I would have posted pictures but I don't know how. Your thoughts?

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Michaelson »" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Here's the link. Since it's an ebay store and buy it now only, it's not an auction and does not violate the 'no ebay auctions not your own' rule.

Looks like folks have found this since you PM'd me this morning. When we 'spoke' there were 6 available. Now there's only 1! :shock:

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by trdaggers »

The reason is I bought 5 of them.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Michaelson »


:M: :tup:
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by trdaggers »

I'm going to stop by the auto parts store on the way back from the bank and pick up some of the striping tape to make the lines. Seems like a fun project. :)

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by trdaggers »

I see now that you broke the code on the Flashlight years ago. There is only one left on line if anyone wants it.

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by nicktheguy »

The Restoration hardware ones are fantastic. Once I saw TwilekJedi's I went to the local RH and picked one up. It does the job admirably.
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Dalexs »

I'd be interested to know how big the one on ebay is, that trdaggers is buying (in bulk!)

The one from Restoration Hard is just shy of 7", looks identical to the ebay one, and is a buck and a half cheaper...
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Hollowpond »

And already has the LED guts. That's why I bought that one...
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by twilekjedi »

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by trdaggers »

The ones I got where about 7 inches. Since the front is telescopic (excuse spelling) it can be a little shorter. Yes, I puchased them in bulk. It's been fun masking them off and painting them. Still have four more to finish. I have no plans to go into the retail business. :lol: Just throwing them in my Indy chest and one in my bag. :lol:

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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by Kt Templar »



I bought this one off ebay. Currently being listed at $8.95

Nice torch, has a standard (non halogen) bulb.

Do a search for ’1950s Flashlight Chevy’.
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Re: Indy's flash light. New Gear.

Post by binkmeisterRick »

I posted this in the other flashlight thread, but here's a cool modern equivalent: ... yId=search" onclick=";return false;
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