I've already got an old (circa 97-98) Wested lamb, and more recently a Wings CE, but the Indy jacket that I've always dreamed of still eludes me (and I'm not in search of the SA Holy Grail).
That being said, what I'm looking for in a jacket, and the reason I defer to COW members' considerable amount of experience in purchasing jackets, is a jacket with real character. I want leather that is grainy, and looks great after its been beat like a rented mule. Another aspect of the perfect jacket that I'm REALLY looking for is reddish undertones, such as seen in LC. I've long been considering Wings SL Legend (US), but I'm kind of worried that the skin may not be tough enough to last (I think I've seen pics of one of them tearing already). The HERO crispe is too Dino for my taste (Indy >> Jurassic Park), and dealing with Wested these days is not always an enjoyable experience (or so I hear). Other than that guys, I'm really open to any suggestions. I've seen pics of Tundra Raider's "grainy" GB, as well as pics of the older vegetable tanned GBs which reveal those reddish undertones that I'm so crazy about. That seems like it would be a great jacket, but hard if not impossible to find. Other than that guys, I'm REALLY open to input. I'm only a two jacket guy so far, and I know you guys know your leather