From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
I'm uploading on taptalk. It's an iPhone app. Gonna try it out. Hope it works! Lol
About the whip. It's a 8 ft 12 plait Indy style whip.
Difference in the whip from normal is.
10 in handle but I kept the diamond handle at 8 in.
Has an extra belly and at the handle thong junction I took the sinew wrap out an extra inch on each layer.
The ending strands are 8 instead of 6.
Yeah I split it down to eliminate bumps and uneven spots and areas. Do it to every bit of leather. I buy the 2-3 ounce hide and once it's all split and done it thins out pretty well. Making it nice and dense.
And the splitter. I bought 6 years ago from Tandy. It's the one that has like a 8" blade. I've used it so much that I have replaced the blade 4 times. I keep her very sharp.
Ok maybe next time I'll post all details. Lol yeah man. It's Kip. But man I got a good supplier of hides that hooks me up with the best. This is the way I keep great whips at great prices ya know.
Check out the vid I got for it. This baby cracks awesome!
When I finish the cowhide I bought just for bolsters, I'm buying some kip for bolsters from this place:
item number 038
The place was suggested to me by Graeme, he uses it for the whips themselves, but if it's good enough for the plaited portions I
This whip is Bad ###! He used kip hide so it weight is lighter and it feel more like a 6 foot Indy-whip. It cracks and targets very well, I am knocking out the candles left and right. Thanks again for the whip Gus, you keep getting better and better!!!
I put my faith faith in the best Cow Hide Whip Maker I have ever Seen! I let the Cook Make what he wanted...and He made the best meal ever! You give the artist freedom and masterpieces happen! You should try that some time.
Gus knows I love to target...he did what he wanted. He put more in this whip then usual because I gave him is barely thicker then my 6 footer and it is Bad ###! The extended spike and 6 foot Turks Head was a very NICE touch! I recommend it!
That is almost identical to the first 6 footer I got off Gus...the one I crack candles out with almost daily. No one can make cow whips like Gus at purewhips! I own 3 Joe Strian whips, but my six footer from Gus is still my favorite! If you ever want to get pass that whip on, contact me 1st!!!