I'm using this Custom Terry Jacka Bullwhip, Very nice ballance & flow, I really like this whip!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ronkp8SWg7g" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"

Moderator: BullWhipBorton
Thank you for the compliment!, Honestly I'm on a quest to see how good I can get by practicing an hour everyday for a whole year, I'm up to day 189 Today!! & I guess its starting to show a little, so that old saying, "practice makes perfect" might not be too far from the truth! So don't worry & keep on practicing!rawvoodoo wrote:Wow that was pretty darn amazing. I wish I could move my Jacka like that, but Im nowhere close.
Thank You!riku1914 wrote:I think I need to make a long 12 inch handled whip like that, maybe I could do some fun stuff similar![]()
REALLY NICE. I could get 8 ft. of 3/8 " for $5, plus $5 shipping, I've always wanted to try, I say why not.
Keep up the vids, I really enjoy yours
Thanks Allen!Indiana County Jr. wrote:MIND = BLOWN!!!
Very impressive Todd!![]()
Thank You Adam! That means allot coming from you man! I have been messing with catching it behind my back but, I'm not fluid enough yet- I haven't tried around neck or under the leg yet, but it's on the list now- I also was messing with flipping it in the air & catch it on the popper end & then flipping it back to my hand, I got it to work a couple of times but it looks like lots more practice ahead of me- Thank you again for the kind words, it will only fuel my fire to learn more stuff!!!winrichwhips wrote:That's some really smooth cracking!
With one whip, you can also mess around with tossing it under the leg and around the neck. This spring I was messing around with catching the whip behind my back.
Thank You! I do take it as a compliment! & I'm also very flattered that Adam took the time to to write me with such kind words-CatsMeow wrote:Wow, that’s pretty amazing TREX!I love the acrobatics and the smoothness of your bullwhip cracking ability and to be complimented by Adam “Crack” Winrich is something to be proud of!!! That’s a pretty cool bullwhip you’re using too, it reminds me of Michelle Pfeiffers bullwhip in Batman Returns, very smooth and fluid.
Did you take classes or train with anyone to help you learn how to crack whips? You almost look too good to have learned all on your own, especially after only 189 days! and please take that as a total compliment
Ryan,Lukes Roommate wrote:That is some incredible work!
I'm blown away and have added that video to my rotation for my learning journey.
Thanks for posting!!!
Adam,winrichwhips wrote:T. Rex,
You inspired me to get off my butt and put together a video about some of the whip tossing routines that I've been working on. I'm a little rusty with some of them since I haven't worked on them for a couple months, but I think most of it came out looking all right.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4ix6aFTCZo" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
-Looking all right?? They look amazing, like always!!! Thank You for posting that, & thanks for continuing to post stuff- your vids are always entertaining & filled with cool stuff to learn & to strive for! That gives me allot more things to work now! Thank Again for sharing Adam! Keep on Rockin those whips!!!!winrichwhips wrote:T. Rex,
You inspired me to get off my butt and put together a video about some of the whip tossing routines that I've been working on. I'm a little rusty with some of them since I haven't worked on them for a couple months, but I think most of it came out looking all right.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4ix6aFTCZo" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
LOL! You have just made my day!!!kwad wrote:I'm now convinced that Adam and TRex are secretly members of the X-Men.
Thank you again for all the nice words!!, as far as flipping & Cracking- when I did my firs back flip out of a tree with two whips, I was also trying to motivate Clark Bynum threw Facebook to do some whip cracking on his trampoline. He did a back flip & cracked a whip too & sent me a vid - I'm telling you watch out for that Bynum kid, He is an amazing gymnast, diver, & Whip Cracker & really creative- that little kid is young & has allot of time on his side too!! I see some great things that will come from that crazy kid!! I can't wait!!- & of Course World record holder Mr. Winrich is out of this world with the dedication he has to the craft. I really don't see his records being broken any time soon unless he decides to breaks em himself!CatsMeow wrote:Thanks TREX, A day with dan borton explains a lot. He was one of the whipmasters who taught meand not only is he a very talented and knowledgeable whip coach hes also extreamly patient which was really important with me
hehehe. I’ve been watching more of your videos and can tell how much you put into it! I just love the energy and fun you bring into whip cracking, Those back flips and summersaults while cracking in midair are so fresh and really cool! It makes me wish I stuck with gymnastics LOL but your inspiring me to practice harder. It also looks like you have an awesome collection of many different whips too, Love it!
Adam Crack your videos are always boss!Once more you show why you are the multiple competitive record holder you are but when are you going to start adding super extreme back flips to your routines like TREX??? Hehehe the most whips cracks while spiraling though the air!
Thats Awesome! I'm glad to hear your doing that! Holy Cow!! -did you say ...110 degrees??!! Bring lots of water, or make some mini whips to practice indoors by the air conditioner-riku1914 wrote:Keep it up TREX, I think after I start making my whips a lot better I'm going to work @ practicing 30 minutes a day for a year. I
know I can't manage 1 hour a day, especially with heat indexes @ 110f during the summer., but 30 maybe.
regular temp is 104-105, w/ heat index of 110. The other day a town near here got a heat index of 116. BTW I don't need to bringTREX wrote:Thats Awesome! I'm glad to hear your doing that! Holy Cow!! -did you say ...110 degrees??!! Bring lots of water, or make some mini whips to practice indoors by the air conditioner-riku1914 wrote:Keep it up TREX, I think after I start making my whips a lot better I'm going to work @ practicing 30 minutes a day for a year. I
know I can't manage 1 hour a day, especially with heat indexes @ 110f during the summer., but 30 maybe.
You will be surprised how you fast can pick things up just by doing a little bit everyday- Let me know how it goes??-
Nice, I would kill to have a backyard, green or not! I have to go to different parks all the time to practice, although that does get my lazy butt out of the apartment everyday- Awesome, you got the Arrow head! That's Awesome! I don't have that one yet, I have to say I'm a little jealous- Any way keep me updated on your progress & I'll do the same-riku1914 wrote:regular temp is 104-105, w/ heat index of 110. The other day a town near here got a heat index of 116. BTW I don't need to bringTREX wrote:Thats Awesome! I'm glad to hear your doing that! Holy Cow!! -did you say ...110 degrees??!! Bring lots of water, or make some mini whips to practice indoors by the air conditioner-riku1914 wrote:Keep it up TREX, I think after I start making my whips a lot better I'm going to work @ practicing 30 minutes a day for a year. I
know I can't manage 1 hour a day, especially with heat indexes @ 110f during the summer., but 30 maybe.
You will be surprised how you fast can pick things up just by doing a little bit everyday- Let me know how it goes??-
water, I practice in my back yard. We live on 4 acres and have plenty of room to crack whips, though I would like being
somewhere a little more... green. When walking on the grass here it sounds like I'm walking on .... something very crunchy.
No matter how much I water at night, I just can't get green to come up in any significant quantities. I've even tried not cracking
in an area for a while and didn't do much good.
I don't know when I'll start the 30 minute thing, if my kangaroo whip that I'm starting soon turns out really well, I'll probably start
with that. Right now I usually practice about 15 minutes a day, and today I finally got arrowhead down. I can do it with a decent
crack on each movement and I now rarely get any tangles in it. I was so happy
Having a backyard is VERY nice. I even made a couple of bike ramps last year/winter. Although there are some areas I canTREX wrote:Nice, I would kill to have a backyard, green or not! I have to go to different parks all the time to practice, although that does get my lazy butt out of the apartment everyday- Awesome, you got the Arrow head! That's Awesome! I don't have that one yet, I have to say I'm a little jealous- Any way keep me updated on your progress & I'll do the same-riku1914 wrote:regular temp is 104-105, w/ heat index of 110. The other day a town near here got a heat index of 116. BTW I don't need to bringTREX wrote:Thats Awesome! I'm glad to hear your doing that! Holy Cow!! -did you say ...110 degrees??!! Bring lots of water, or make some mini whips to practice indoors by the air conditioner-riku1914 wrote:Keep it up TREX, I think after I start making my whips a lot better I'm going to work @ practicing 30 minutes a day for a year. I
know I can't manage 1 hour a day, especially with heat indexes @ 110f during the summer., but 30 maybe.
You will be surprised how you fast can pick things up just by doing a little bit everyday- Let me know how it goes??-
water, I practice in my back yard. We live on 4 acres and have plenty of room to crack whips, though I would like being
somewhere a little more... green. When walking on the grass here it sounds like I'm walking on .... something very crunchy.
No matter how much I water at night, I just can't get green to come up in any significant quantities. I've even tried not cracking
in an area for a while and didn't do much good.
I don't know when I'll start the 30 minute thing, if my kangaroo whip that I'm starting soon turns out really well, I'll probably start
with that. Right now I usually practice about 15 minutes a day, and today I finally got arrowhead down. I can do it with a decent
crack on each movement and I now rarely get any tangles in it. I was so happy
Thank You so much Aldo, I really apreciate the compliments- It makes me feel like I'm getting somewhere!Marhala wrote:Todd, congratulations on the video! I just had the chance to see it, and I really like the way you incorporated the cracks, the tosses and the moves. It all looks very daring and amazing.
Mini whips, & airconditioning!riku1914 wrote:Well I was going to go out and crack today but...
Record temps today, hit 113 here. That's 113 actual degrees, not heat index.
I'm sure other people wouldn't really... appreciate itTREX wrote:Mini whips, & airconditioning!riku1914 wrote:Well I was going to go out and crack today but...
Record temps today, hit 113 here. That's 113 actual degrees, not heat index.
Hello Sylvia, Thank you for the compliments!! That means allot coming from a performer such as your self! You can do these whip toss tricks with any type of whip- I've done them with 9,7,6.5, & 3 foot whips with varying handle lengths in nylon & roo hide, & also with my Hybrids as well! It's all just a matter of timing & knowing how your whip is weighted- But you are correct! the longer handle bullwhips are a little easier to flip because the weight is closer to the center of the whip, & makes the whip wanna stay in one place when you toss it up- I have been messing around with a couple more variations & even tossing the whip up so it spins two times in the air before I catch it again- I'll post when I can, but I would love what you are doing & I see you are learning allot from Mr. Adam too- I love that you learn so fast & are so motivated to perform- I hope someday I can see your stunt show in person!sylviarosat wrote:Very good!you make it look very effortless that's good that's the key to good whipcarcking!I especially like the move you make a 0.29 second.sort of side flick then trwow the whip in the air in the same move!This is really nice!I tried it myself but couln't get the crack and the lift,or the crack or the lift!I was also wondering if it would not be easier with whips a little longer then mine.I have a pair of performance hybrid 6 foot by Lauren Wickline,so i'm sure it'll work but maybe with a longer whip it would be easier to learn as the movement will let me more time i guess!
But this is really nice whip cracking and of course beautiful whip!:-)posting.php?mode=reply&f=3&t=52524#
Keep up practicing you're doing great!
Best regards!
Sylvia, I have been flippin since I was 12 years old, I've had a little more practice at it than you- so don't be afraid of it -just take your time it'll come to you soon enuff- I have been doing a side flick toss & catch right into another side flick it's pretty cool & lots of fun- Also I'm getting better at double flippin it in the air forwards & backwards! I'm trying to get another vid together with all that stuff in it, but I'm having computer issuessylviarosat wrote:Well Todd i can return you the thank you for the compliment too:-)
A little late from the post i made i went training(unfortunatly not long enough ,because no time)but better less then none ,and i could actually do the side flick with the crack and throw the whip in the air!Now i start feeling the move:-) it's a cool move i like it!i will post a video when i have the time so you will be able to see if i'm doing it correctly.I 'm looking forward to your video where you turn the whip two times in the air!sounds cool!I like also the backflip with the whip!personnaly i'm not a "jumper" i'm afraid that once i learned to do a backflip ,frontflip,fliflac,or that kind of jumps ,that with the time i would loose the respect for the trick and made a mistake a then fall badly...it does happen so quick.My boyfriend did last year that experience ,he's a very good trained performer and he does jumping since he's small but last year we was with a couple of friends chilling out and they ask him to show a little bitt of jump routine ,then he went to make a few jump then ...i don't know ...in the air he did something not correct not like usuall and then he fell on the head,he was lucky because was on the grass but could have been a lot worse...one time of innatention is enough to be bad ... so that's the kind of thing i'm afraid in jumping and probably why i will not learn to do it...but in the same time another part of me telll me do it!because it looks really cool!
Yes we are very lucky that Adam is taking the time to help us coming better he's a great great whipcracker and very kind person from the very little i know him.But i found very gerenous from him to take the time doing these videos and sharing his knowledge!
Well,i wish you a good day!
Sylvia,sylviarosat wrote:Hi Todd,
waow 12 years old ,my mom wouln't had probably let me have a whip at 12what did give you the envy to start whicracking?
My first whip was my mother which baught it to me,after showing to her my interess in having a whip,but it was a very long whip and whith a rotative handle not very good for begginer.but it was not very good quality i would even say almost object of decoration,more than really whip used for cracking.Then in 2008 i bought a bullwhip from a guy in switzerland who did a kind of collection.i started to learn the basic cracks with that one then last year i bought a pair of hybrid performance from Lauren Wickline!My first really good whips!
Congratulations for your 200 hours!you say your goal is a year...and after?why a year?
I'm looking forward to the new video!
Have a nice day!
It really helps to have a matched pair of Whips to practice two handed stuff- I would recommend a pair of Performance Hybrids from MidWestWhips.com These are perfect for learning two handed tricks they are light responsive very inexpensive & you can use them on wet grass too! But if not no worries, I only had a 10 Indy whip when I started trying to use my left hand (I'm Right Handed of course) I would do one crack on my right & then switch to my left & just go back & fourth till It started felling comfortable- It just takes a little time & patience-lantzn wrote:Great video!
Can you guys that can use these whips efficiently with both hands tell me if you're right handed, left or ambidextrous? I'm right hand and was wondering if you trained yourself to use both hands. I only have a 10' whip so I obviously won't ever be as quick like with a short whip but using it in my left hand feels so strange and far less accurate even though I can crack it. I've only recently obtained it.
Get the basics down with your right hand, then teach them to yourself with your left. I've been doing this for about a week nowlantzn wrote:Great video!
Can you guys that can use these whips efficiently with both hands tell me if you're right handed, left or ambidextrous? I'm right hand and was wondering if you trained yourself to use both hands. I only have a 10' whip so I obviously won't ever be as quick like with a short whip but using it in my left hand feels so strange and far less accurate even though I can crack it. I've only recently obtained it.