I definitely will.
I had planned on tapering my strands, on this whip, a little more than half way like I normally would, since I'm only dropping 4
instead of 6. How fine should I have my strands cut? I was thinking about 4mm @ 8 strands should cover the point well, then just
do a 14 or 16 strand fall hitch. I'll start with 14 and if it doesn't look right just do more
But 4mm, that should right?
Ok I've made up my binding scheme in my head for this, each layer I'll do a closed loop ( starting at ... about 8 inches past the
handle on my first layer ) then I'll do a close together criss cross to the point where my closed loop will end on the next layer,
so on my first layer I'll probably have about 8 inches of closed, and 8 inches of crisscross, second layer 16 inches of closed, and
say another 6 or 8 of crisscross, 3rd layer covering all that, and doing a bit more criss cross, then on the 4th layer ( second
bolster ) I'll do probably about 36 - 40 inches of closed loop, and if it doesn't seem as hard as I want, I'll do a layer or two
of close together criss cross over this ! Then on the short 2.5-3ft. bolster I'll be adding, I'll just do closed loop all the way down
this ( except maybe the last inch ).
On that subject, should I make that bolster end in a point, or should I end it solid and split it really really thin ( I taper split
bolsters for the last 25% of it, usually ending in about .45mm thick, should my splitter can go down to about .38 i think is what
I got)
So, answers would be awesome, the one's already answered just make me love this forum and you guys even more so now