Hello, I haven't posted here in a looooong time. Some of you might remember me, Bink , Michaelson

...... awhile back I had to basically sell off everything that I owned, all of my Indy gear went so I could basically stay alive. My now ex wife cheated on me then tossed me to the street, my mother took my son and I in and saved us from a shelter. I ended up losing my job and was in the bottom of a pit basically... this was about March of 2008.... I'm Much better now, I've been seeing the love of my life for just over a year now... my job stinks but I'm making money and working and living again....

Anyway an extremely generous fellow here on COW did not want me to see Indy 4 without at least a fedora on my head , he was able to procure me a new Camptown... It was the most generous act a person has done for me in a very long time....he doesn't really know what it meant to me ! I am ashamed that I haven't kept in better contact with him...I truly am...

..... I tip my coffee mug to you my friend...Now it is time for a re-block and I would like the ribbon and bow replaced. I am not sure who offers this service anymore. Yes, I could search but wanted to tell my story a little bit and wanted to hear your opinions. I try not to be a cheap person but I don't make a lot and need to go the cheapest route.
Thank you all for reading my rambling little story.........