Actually, it was my traps that were "crunched up"... The jacket just followed... I wasn't quite ready for the timer on the camera, and was still trying to get the position sorted...
If you look at the top picture of the back, that's me normally.. (Minus head of course..).. My back is rather wide.. While I appreciate the "_" comment.. This jacket fits me width wise perfectly, and from what I've seen of _, he'd need a couple more inches either side..

Trust me... Having bodybuilt since I was 15 and only recently changed that into Jujutsu (well.. Ongoing for the last 15 years but I've stopped weights for a year now.. Couldn't fit clothes in Japan..), I reckon I have a pretty good handle on the back and how much "flare space" I need to fill it..

(As an example, if I pull my lats forwards into front lat spread in the jacket it squeezes the sides tightly.. Pulling them forwards.. But normally it's just "snug"..)

Holt.. Give me a while, I'll get those measurements for you!
All the best..