"Acid Dark Brown" para-cord, 7 foot with a 12" handle.
BB loaded core with a 6mm thick, hardened steel rod for the handle foundation (made out of the cleaning rod from my Mosin Nagant rifle).
16plt. overlay with a 4plt. point.
The accent ring is made out of polished copper (found in the plumbing section of HomeDepot).
Latigo fall was purchased from midwest whips.
I really took my time on this one, and I think it paid off.
One thing I did that I think really helped the performance of the whip was lining up the seams from the bellies and overlay (I'd turn it 180 degrees between plaiting each layer). It rolls out smoothly and falls straight.
I've never had a whip with a handle longer than 8 or 9 inches.
Man, what a difference! It took a few minutes to get used to, but now I love it!
It takes little effort to crack and I have much greater control over the thong when it is in motion.
I'd love to have one with similar dimensions made out of leather.